There are three types of driver allowances:
Allowances paid to the driver - These can be set in Masters - My Drivers
Allowances charged to customers - These can be set in Masters - Customers
Allowances paid to suppliers - These can be set in Masters - Suppliers
Lets understand how to setup allowances in My Drivers:
1- Salary per month:
Use this if you are paying a fixed monthly amount to your driver
2- Daily wages:
Use this if you are paying your driver on a per day basis
3- Daily Working Hours:
Use this if you pay your driver overtime after a specific number of hours
4- Working Hours:
Use this if you have set fixed working hours before which early start allowance and night allowance should be applied
Lets understand different types of allowances and what they mean:
1- Daily Allowance:
If, for the first duty of the day an allowance is applied, enter the amount here. This will be visible to my drivers, customers and suppliers.
2- Over time per hour:
If you have entered a set number of hours in Daily Working hours, enter the amount that should be applicable here. This will be visible to suppliers and my drivers.
3- Outstation allowance per day:
Enter the amount paid per day for an outstation duty.
4- Outstation overnight allowance:
Enter the amount paid per night for an outstation duty.
5- Sunday allowance:
Enter the amount paid for performing a duty on Sunday.
6- Early start allowance:
If you have entered a start time in Daily Working Hours, enter an allowance amount when duty is performed before working hours.
7- Night allowance:
If you have entered an end time in Daily Working Hours, enter an allowance amount when a duty is performed after working hours.
Extra Duty Allowance: If your driver is paid an additional amount for completing more than one duty in a day, enter the amounts here.
Example: Kuldeep has completed 3 Airport Duties in a day. He is paid an allowance for the 2nd duty and 3rd duty performed respectively. In such a case, enter the amounts in Second Duty and Third Duty respectively.
How to set up fixed allowances for My Drivers
If you have a fixed amount for allowance that you offer all your drivers, you can set the same by going to the top right corner - ME - Business Settings - Driver Allowance - select the allowance - enter the amount and click on Save Changes
The amount you set here will be applicable to all your drivers if nothing is set in Masters.
Driver Allowance will look like this on a duty slip
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