
How to setup and use proforma invoices

This article will help you understand how to set up, create and manage Proforma invoices, enabling you to manage tax invoices efficiently.

1- How to set up proforma invoices for your business

2- How to create a proforma invoice

Go to Masters - My Companies - Click on EDIT - Click on the check box next to Is Proforma Invoice Company?- Save Changes

Is Proforma invoice company? should only be selected for your sister company. A primary company cannot be a proforma invoice company.

If Is Proforma Invoice Company? is selected for any sister company and invoices are generated under it, the same invoices cannot be changed to normal tax invoices. They will remain as Proforma invoices. Always create a new company and be sure to use the checkbox for Is Proforma Invoice Company to avoid any invoicing errors.

If you have multiple companies/ sister concerns with different GST numbers and you require a proforma company for each of them, please create a new proforma invoice company with unique codes for each to be able to easily identify which proforma invoice has been created for which sister concern/ company.

Go to Masters - My Companies - Click on Add New Company - Add all details - Under Code enter a 2-letter code that helps you easily identify the company under which the proforma invoice is generated - Click on Is Proforma Invoice Company? - Save

If Is Proforma Invoice Company? is selected for any sister company and invoices are generated under it, the same invoices cannot be changed to normal tax invoices. They will remain as Proforma invoices. Always create a new company and be sure to use the checkbox for Is Proforma Invoice Company to avoid any invoicing errors.

Once you have set up your company, a Proforma invoice can be created under the Proforma company.

Go to Operations - Billing - Add new invoice- Select Customer - Under Billing section click on change and select Proforma company - Add relevant bookings - Save

Once you have generated a Proforma invoice, the same will be visible with a label in the Operations - Billing section

Once created, you can edit the Proforma invoice, share on email, download or print, just like a normal invoice.

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