By inviting your supplier to the Indecab Network, you will be able to view duty updates in real-time.
Go to Masters - Suppliers - Click on the small gear icon next to the supplier listing - click on Invite Supplier. Once you click on it, you will be able to see a pop up with the supplier details
Following are the details to be entered in the form:
1- User Email:
This is the supplier email id where an invite to setup their Indecab Network profile will be sent. This user id will be the Admin for the account.
2- Vehicle Group- Limit ability to add bookings to these Vehicle Groups:
Select the vehicle groups you wish to assign to this supplier as per your contract. These will be automatically created in the supplier’s account once they complete the set up
3- Copy Pricing:
Selecting this will automatically copy pricing to your suppliers account once they complete the set up.
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