The Vehicle fuel section enables you to keep track of the multiple aspects of fuel management you may have. From this section you can:
Go to Operations - Vehicle Fuel - click on New fuel entry - select whether entry is for supplier or driver - enter fuel receipt number - select Vehicle - select if Fuel Intent or Full Tank
Fuel Intent:
You can choose this if this is a prepaid fuel entry and done at a fuel station you have a contract with.
Full Tank:
Regardless of whether you fill the tank or not, you must select this if you are creating a fuel entry after the driver has filled fuel and you do not have a contract with the fuel station.
Now if it is fuel intent you can select the Fuel station or keep it empty - select City - enter Quantity in litres - enter odometer km at the time fuel was filled - enter Amount - select Paid By
Paid By Driver: If this is selected, this entry will be visible in the driver payroll statement as pending to be paid
Paid By Company: If this is selected, this entry will not be visible in the driver payroll
Read more about each section below:
1 - Supplier
You can fill this section in case you are creating an entry for a fuel transaction that was done by your supplier. Select the supplier from the drop down option. Once you select the supplier, the vehicle option changes to let you add your suppliers vehicle number and the drivers name.
2- Driver: You can use this option to select the driver who filled the fuel in your vehicle by using the drop down menu.
3- Fuel Entry Number:
This is the fuel entry number generated by Indecab
4- Date:
You can use the calendar tool to select the date of the transaction. You need to simply click on the section and select a date from the drop down calendar.
5 -Fuel Receipt Number:
You can use this space to enter the receipt number you received from the fuel station. To create a Full Tank entry when Intent is unticked, receipt number is mandatory.
6- Vehicle
You can use this option to select your vehicle in which the fuel was filled from the drop down menu.
7- Fuel Type:
Fuel type is automatically entered once you select the vehicle
8- Fuel Intent
Fuel Intent column is to be selected if you are creating a fuel entry from a Fuel station you have a contract with.
9- Full Tank
Select this if it is a Full Tank entry. By selecting Full Tank column you will be able to get automatic fuel surcharge calculation, accurate mileage and correct calculations in your Vehicle Profitability Report.
10- Fuel Station
Select the fuel station where the fuel was filled. To create fuel stations, go to Operations - Vehicle Fuel - click on the top right gear icon - click on Fuel Stations - click on Add Fuel Station - Save
11 - City:
Use this section to select the city the fuel transaction occurred in. Click on the section and select a city from the drop down menu. This selection enables you to get accurate fuel surcharge calculations based on the cost of fuel entered for that city.
12 - Quantity:
Use this section to enter the quantity of fuel filled in the vehicle. This quantity needs to be filled in litres for accurate calculation.
13 - Receipt
If you have a scanned copy of the fuel transaction receipt, you can attach it in this section so you always have a copy of the same readily available in case you ever need it.
14- Current KM
Use this section to enter your vehicle's odometer KM reading at the time of the fuel transaction. You need to enter the accurate odometer KMs to get correct mileage calculations.
15 - Amount:
Enter the total cost of the fuel transaction here. If you have filled in the fuel rates in the ‘Cost of Fuel’ section, this section will be automatically calculated for you once you enter in the fuel quantity.
16 - Paid by
This section lets you select if the payment was made by the supplier/driver or by the car rental company. The options in this drop down lets you choose whether the fuel transaction was paid for by the driver or supplier.
Once you save the fuel entry this is the page you will see:
1 - Filters
When you open the Vehicle Fuel tab, you can filter by the Driver name, Supplier name, vehicle name or number. You can also filter the details by a custom date range.
2 - New fuel transaction
You can add any fuel expenses by clicking on the ‘New Fuel Transaction’ button and filling out the details.
3 - View totals
By clicking on view totals, you will get to know the total quantity and the total expenditure on fuel.
4 - Large gear Icon
You can use the large gear icon to fill in the cost of fuel, the fuel stations details and export your vehicle fuel data.
5 - Mileage
The mileage column will automatically calculate and display the mileage that you are getting from your vehicles once you make a few fuel transaction entries. Create a few entries for a particular vehicle with the correct fuel quantity and odometer km readings.
6 - Small gear Icon
You can use the small gear icon to reject and delete vehicle fuel details.
7 - Total
By clicking on view, you will see the total number of vehicle fuel entries you have.
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