If your drivers are using the Indecab Go Driver App, they can create entries for fuel transactions from the Indecab Go Driver App directly.
To enter a new fuel transaction on the Indecab Go Driver App, click on the menu bar on the top left of the app screen and select fuel. Click on New Fuel Transaction and enter the following details:
1 - Vehicle:
The driver has to select the vehicle that fuel was filled in from the dropdown options.
2 - Receipt Number:
The driver has to enter the receipt number of the receipt they received from the fuel station.
3 - Fuel Station:
The driver has to select the fuel station from the drop down menu.
4 - Quantity:
The driver has to enter the quantity of fuel filled in litres.
5 - Amount:
The driver has to fill in the amount paid/amount due for the fuel.
6 - Current Km:
The driver has to enter the current odometer KM reading.
7 - Take Receipt Photo:
The driver can click a photograph of the receipt and upload it with the fuel transaction.
When your driver/DCO adds a fuel transaction entry in the Indecab Go Driver App, it will show up in real time in your Indecab dashboard.
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