Articles on: What's new

Updates from September 2020 to January 2021

Let’s take a look at the latest edition of what’s new in Indecab.

1 - One click, send many booking requests!

With this update, you now have the ability to send a booking request for a single duty to as many associates as you like. The first one to accept the booking request would get it. The booking request would disappear from all other associates who have not accepted it.

To allot a booking to multiple network associates click on the allot button and then click on the ‘Send to Network’ button - select a single supplier, multiple suppliers or select all suppliers and send the request.

2 - Ability to store Supplier bank details

Go to Masters - Suppliers - add/edit supplier - scroll down and you will see the option to add the supplier’s bank details. You can add multiple bank details by clicking on the ‘+’ sign.

3 - Vehicle Expenses section updates

We've redesigned the way you add vehicle expenses. The most notable changes are,

Select garage
Ability to select multiple expenses in one vehicle expense entry.
Ability to mark an expense as paid

4 - Ability to hide letterhead, billing items, and allowances while printing a completed duty slip.

We have updated the print setting for printing a duty slip from the ‘View Duty slip’ section. You can now choose if you want a duty slip to be printed with or without the letterhead, billing items, and allowances while printing the same buy using the checkboxes in this section.

To print a completed duty slip - use the small gear icon/right-click on the completed duty and click on view duty slip. Once the pop-up screen opens - tick the hide letterhead check box to print without your letterhead and click on the print.

5 - Duty subtotal calculated when a duty is completed.

With our latest update, the duty sub-total is now calculated as soon as a duty is completed. This value can be exported from the completed duties tab by selecting the duties subtotal columns (with or without allowances) in the duties export section.

6 - Ability to view mileage for DCOs

We have updated the vehicle fuel section to calculate the mileage for DCO/Attached vehicles. To calculate the mileage for the DCO/attached vehicle, make sure you select the DCO from the supplier’s list and enter the details accurately.

7 - Export to tally upgrades

Taking our integration with tally further, we have now added the ability to export operational costs i.e. petty cash, vehicle expenses, and vehicle fuel into tally. The new export options have been added to the export to tally section under the ‘Me’ tab.

8 - Supplier Allotment Update

We have updated the supplier allotment section to make it easier for you to filter through your DCO/attached suppliers by adding the ability to search by vehicle number. While allotting a duty to a supplier, just type the vehicle number in the filter bar and you will easily locate the vehicle.

9 - Click to copy SMS text

You now have the ability to copy the SMS text from the ‘booking confirmation’ and ‘send info’ sections. Just click the ‘copy SMS text’ and the SMS content will be copied to your clipboard

10 - Vehicle Fuel section upgrades

We have updated the vehicle fuel section with the following new feature functionalities:

Mileage calculation update

We have added a new tick box called ‘full tank’ in the vehicle fuel entry section. When that is checked, the transactions where the box is unchecked are calculated cumulatively from the last entry where the checkbox was ticked and the mileage is displayed.

Ability to print a fuel entry

To print a fuel entry, click on the fuel entry and then click on the ‘print’ button at the top right section.

Fuel transaction Number

With the latest update, the vehicle fuel section now creates a system-generated vehicle fuel transaction number for every entry that is added.

11 - View reports online

We have updated the way you export data from Indecab to give you the ability to view the reports online before exporting. You can also add this report to your list of favorites for easy data viewing and exporting directly from the reports section.

12 - Ability to email a purchase invoice

To send a purchase invoice via email, go to the purchase invoice section and click on the invoice you want to email. Once the invoice opens click on the ‘Email’ button on the top right of your screen. Select the email ids from the pop-up or add another email in the custom field and click send.

13 - Billing export columns update:

End date - Date of the last day of the last duty
Associate Booking ID
Custom fields

To learn more about how to export data click here

14 - Ability to mark a tax as inactive

You now have the ability to deactivate tax types that are not in use by marking them as inactive. To mark a tax type as inactive, go to Masters - Taxes - Select the tax type you want to deactivate and click on the in-active checkbox.

Updated on: 05/02/2025

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