1- Duty Allotment Simplified with New Dispatch Center Filtering
Presenting a powerful new feature that streamlines the process of allotting duties by using dispatch center filters. This update allows you to filter vehicles, drivers, suppliers, and network suppliers based on the selected dispatch center, making it easier to find the right resources for each duty. If a booking includes a dispatch center, the system can now apply filters for the vehicle, driver, supplier, and network supplier, matching them to the selected dispatch center during the allotment process.
2- Enhanced Booking Search with Passenger Phone Numbers
You can now search for bookings using the phone number of the passenger who availed of the service. This enhancement makes it easier to quickly locate and manage specific bookings, improving efficiency and customer service.
To search for a booking using a passenger’s phone number, click on Duties - Type passenger phone number in the search bar to see all relevant bookings
3- Simplified Registration and Sign-in for Indecab Corporate App
We’ve rolled out several enhancements to the Indecab Corporate App, to help your customers onboard their employees more easily on to the Indecab platform.
Self Sign-Up (Mobile & Desktop): Users can now self-sign up directly from the mobile version of the Indecab Corporate App and the desktop version of the web app. To learn more about this feature, please contact customer support.
OTP Login (Email): Indecab now supports login via OTP, making access faster and more secure.
These updates are designed to improve accessibility and ease of use for both passengers and corporate users.
4- Reverse Merging Of Customer And Supplier Masters
You can now undo the merger of two non-networked suppliers or customers up to 30 days after merging their data.
To reverse a merged customer or supplier, go to Masters - Customers or Suppliers - Click on the small gear icon in the relevant listing - then click on Unmerge Customers
5- Share Booking Cancellations in a Mail Thread Easily with 'Copy Email' Button
We’ve made it easier to notify users of cancelled duties in an existing mail thread by adding a Copy Email button in the Cancel Duty popup. With just one click, you can copy the duty cancellation message and paste it into any email client or browser window to personalise and edit the message before sending it to your customers in a conversation .
To use this feature, go to Duties - right click on a duty you want to cancel or click on the small gear icon next to the listing - click on Cancel Duty - click on Copy Email in the pop-up window - then right click and paste the information in your email window to edit or add any other information.
6- Keep Track of Unpaid Invoices Easily
Now quickly view unpaid invoices in the Billing & Purchase-Invoices section with just two simple clicks. This development will help you keep track of pending receivables and plan your follow-ups accordingly.
To view your unpaid invoices, go to Operations - Billing or Purchase - Invoices - Click on the search bar - Under the Payment Status section, select Unpaid to quickly filter and view outstanding invoices.
7- Add TDS to Purchase Payments Easily
We’ve enhanced the purchase invoice detail page by adding the ability to apply TDS directly to purchase payments. This update simplifies the process of managing tax deductions, ensuring that TDS is accurately recorded and applied to relevant transactions.
To edit a Purchase Payment with TDS, go to Operations - Purchase Payments - Click on a listing - Edit - Then enter the TDS amount on each invoice listed in the payment
8- Easier Invoice Editing with New Search Bar
We’ve added a search bar feature that is now available when editing an invoice, making it easier to find and add specific bookings directly within the edit interface. This enhancement, along with synchronised filtering and pagination improvements, ensures a smoother and more efficient invoice management process.
To use this feature, go to Operations - Billing - click on an invoice listing - Click on Edit - then use the search bar to find bookings by booking number, passenger name, custom fields and labels.
9- Keep Track of Contract Dates in Customer & Supplier Exports
We’ve added the ability to include contract dates in both Customer and Supplier Exports, allowing you to easily track and manage contract periods for each customer and supplier. This enhancement ensures that contract details are readily accessible, helping you stay on top of important agreement dates.
To include contract dates in an export, go to Masters - Customers or Suppliers - Click on the large gear icon in the top right corner - click on Export Customers or Export Suppliers - and tick the checkbox for Latest Contract Date to include it in your export.
10- New Filters & Column Options for Duties Exports
We’ve added several new features to the duties export function, allowing for more customised and detailed data in your Duties exports.
1- Company Name Filter and Column: You can now filter duties by your sister companies and include a dedicated column for your sister company in your duties exports.
2- Non-Chargeable Taxes Column: Export duty reports can now also include a column for non-chargeable taxes, providing more comprehensive financial details.
3- Duty Slip Accepted By Column: You can now also add a column in your duties report to show who accepted the duty slip, enhancing traceability.
To use these enhancements in your reports, go to Duties - Click on the large gear icon - Export Duties - click on the search bar to apply filters - tick the columns you want to include in your reports then click on Get Statement/ View/ Export to view or download your report.
11- Enhanced TDS Tracking in Purchases Section
We’ve introduced several updates to the Purchases section to improve tracking of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS):
1- TDS Information: Purchase - Payments listings now display TDS amounts paid.
New TDS Column: A TDS column has been added to the Purchase Payments section.
2- View Totals: With the date filters applied in Purchase-Invoices, you can choose to view totals with or without the TDS amount.
3- Payable Amount Column: The Purchase -Invoices section now features a "Payable Amount" column that shows values exclusive of TDS.
These additions are now visible by default in the Purchases section of your Indecab dashboard.
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