Articles on: What's new

Updates from March 2023 to May 2023

In recent months, we have made extensive updates to exporting and reporting functionalities. Also built better control and automation options.

Here is a round-up of those new features and a lot more below!

1 - Billing export - View predicted ‘TDS Amount’ for each invoice

You can now view the TDS Amount that could be deducted against each invoice without having to create a receipt for your customer, based on the TDS % entered in Customers Master, Indecab will automatically calculate the amount and make it available in your export. This should help plan cash flows better.

2 - Duties export - View ‘Supplier Estimated Amount (Incl. tax)’

For duties performed by the supplier, you can view the supplier estimated amount (including tax) based on default taxes set up in your Masters. This would help you get a prediction of net payables even before supplier invoices are received.

Note: If a Purchase invoice is generated, select the column Supplier Invoice- Total Amount and Supplier Invoice- Tax Amount to view data based on the purchase invoice.

3 - Support for GST held back

We understand that in some cases GST amount is held back by customers while the subtotal amount is cleared. We have made it easier to handle the accounting for this in Tally. In case you have customers who do this you can enable 'GST hold' from the business settings for the corresponding effect to take place in Tally.

4 - Addition of ‘Bank Debit Date’ for Purchase Payments in the Tally export

To avoid any discrepancy between the purchase payment entry and the bank debit date; you have the ability to add the bank debit date when creating the purchase entry and view the same when exporting to Tally.

Go to Operations - Purchase Payment - Click on ‘Add New Purchase Payment’ - While entering details, under Payment Mode, enter the date of payment in ‘Bank Debit Date’.

Note: Please refer to this article to understand ‘Export To Tally’

5 - Credit/Debit note exports - Option to export GST numbers of Customers & Suppliers

Go to Operations - Credit/Debit Notes - Click on the top right gear icon - Select Export Credit/Debit Notes

6 - Duties export - Quick view of which duties have scanned duty slips attached

We have introduced a new column to the exports of duties called "Scanned Duty Slip," which will help you see how many completed duties have scanned copies attached or not.

7 - Duty summary view increased to 100 duties on a single page

8 - Ability to search for a booking on an invoice

Searching for a booking in an multi booking invoice can be time consuming, you can now search for a booking within an invoice through booking id, passenger name, custom field or labels.

Go to Operations - Billing - Click on the invoice - Enter booking id,passenger name, custom field or label in the search bar - click on enter - booking will be visible within the invoice.

9 - Billing export - New column options for e-invoicing control

It can be challenging to keep track of the current status and failure reasons for numerous e-invoices. To check the current status and failure reasons for each invoice, just export the invoices.

Go to Operations - Billing - Click on the top right gear icon - Select ‘Export Invoices’ - Select columns ‘E-Invoice Status’ and ‘E-Invoice Failure Reason’

10 - Automatically create an invoice when a duty is completed

This feature is aimed at reducing the time spent creating invoices. For specific customers you can now choose to auto-create an invoice the moment a duty is completed.

Go to Masters - Customer - Click on the Customer - Click on Edit - Under Booking/Duties Settings - Select ‘Auto-create invoice once duty is completed’ - Save

To learn more about this feature click here.

Tip: If you are creating multiday duties for a customer, separate invoice for each day would be generated. You can remove the duty from the invoice and add to a single invoice manually.

11 - Ability to multi-select and email invoices

Select multiple invoices and send them simultaneously by email.

Go to Operations - Billing - Click on the box next to each invoice - Select the additional columns to be attached with the email - Click on ‘Send Email'

Note: If the invoice is for a corporate customer, you have the option to choose ‘Send to Passenger.’

12 - SMS Masking - Addition of ‘Short Reporting Address’

You can now add a ‘Short Reporting Address’ to the SMS templates of

Duty Allotment SMS to Driver
Booking request SMS sent to Supplier
Duty allotment SMS sent to Customer/Passenger/Booked By and additional contacts

Go to Me - Business Settings - SMS Templates - Under the SMS column you want - Select ‘Use Default’ - Place your cursor on where you want to mention the Short Reporting Address - Select ‘Insert Placeholder ‘ - Select ‘Short Reporting Address’ - Save Changes.

Refer to this for SMS Template Registration

13 - Default options while using 'Send info' to send SMS & email

Permanently select the options you would like to use while sending SMS and email to drivers and customers.

Go to Me - Business Settings - Under Duties/Bookings - Under box ‘Default options for duty sms/email - Select the column you want to set as default under To Supplier/To Driver/To Customer- Save Changes.

The columns that you set in your Business Settings will be selected by default when Send Info is clicked for Driver/Supplier/Customer.

14 - Better control over duties performed by a driver using the Indecab Go-Driver app

A duty will appear in your "Needs Attention" list with the warning "Driver location has not been received" if it is being performed using the Indecab Go Driver App and the location has not been captured for over 30 minutes. This feature is intended to enable you to better control how drivers are using the app and increase tracking quality.

Updated on: 12/09/2024

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