Articles on: What's new

Updates from June 2023 to August 2023

Here is a round-up of what we have been working on in July. We have added new features and upgrades to ease your daily operations processes.

1 - Simplified Tax invoicing with a single click

Our newest feature release brings you Proforma invoice functionality, with the added convenience of one-click management for efficient handling of tax invoices.

Manage distinct records for Proforma Invoices and seamlessly convert them to tax invoices.

Please refer to this article: How to create and use Proforma Invoice

2 - Ability to send sister company invoices to your associate

We have added the ability to send your customer associates an invoice raised under a sister company through the network. This means that you can create, manage, and share multiple supplier companies with your network-connected customers.

Please refer to this article to guide you through the steps on how to set it up: How to use multiple GST numbers while sending invoices to a customer associate

3 - Ability to attach a file to an invoice

In addition to the file attachment option while adding a booking you can now also attach files while creating an invoice. The files attached are included in the invoice email sent to the customer.

4 - Ability to add an attachment while creating a receipt

Effortlessly email essential supporting documents with payment receipts by attaching a file to your receipt. This could be transaction screenshots or anything else needed

5 - Incoming purchases invoices visibility control

We have added better control options to managing incoming purchase invoices. Employees who are associated with branches would be able to view invoices based on the cities added to their branch

Refer to this article for more: Set up Employees permission

6 - Ability to remove a digital signature from a manual invoice

If the invoice does not have any bookings attached to it, you can choose to remove the digital signature while printing the invoice.

Go to Billing - Click on a manual invoice - Select ‘Print’- Select ‘Remove Digital Signature’ - Print.

7 - Quicker acceptance of incoming booking requests

If the Duty Type/Vehicle Group of an incoming booking request matches the Duty Type/Vehicle group created in your masters, the same would be automatically selected.

8 - Ability to send PDF Placards via email in landscape mode

Placards look better landscape, so we made that possible.

9 - Ability to restrict a network supplier from making adjustments to a duty

Restrict your network supplier from making adjustments to a duty slip once accepted, maintain accuracy, and avoid any potential discrepancies or disputes after the duty is completed.

Go to Masters - Supplier - Click on your Network Supplier - EDIT - Select ‘Do not allow supplier to use make adjustments for allotted duties’ - Save

10 - Tally - Ability to configure if ledgers in Sales/Purchase vouchers are to be shown individually or in a consolidated way

Now you have two customization options available for your Tally vouchers export file:

a) Do not export billing items as individual rows in the Sales/Purchase voucher: Choosing this option combines taxable and non-taxable billing items into consolidated totals in the exported Sales/Purchase voucher file. Individual rows for each item are not exported.

b) Do not export the surcharge as an individual row in the Sales voucher: Choosing this option removes the separate row for the surcharge in the exported Sales voucher. Instead, the surcharge amount is included in the taxable total.

Go to Me - Click on ‘Export to Tally’ - Under ‘Options’ choose the columns - Export Sales/Export Purchase

11- Automatically send sms/email to your booker/passenger once a network supplier allots a duty

Set up an automated way of sending communication to your customers as soon as your network supplier allots the vehicle and driver details.

Go to Me - Business Settings - Others - Under ‘Automatically send sms/email alerts’ - Select ‘Duty allotment information to the customer when supplier allot duty’ - Save changes.

12 - Ability to disable route log at a customer level:

Disable route logging for specific customer, Go to Masters - Customer - Click on the customer - EDIT - Under Booking/Duties settings - Select Disable duty route log for duties of this customer -Save

Know more about route logging: How To Enable And Use Route Logging

14 - Activity log for Purchase Duty

View time-stamped Activity log for your Purchase duties, providing you with precise details of any modifications made to a purchase duty, similar to the duties section.

Go to Operations - Purchase Duties - Click on the duty - Scroll to the bottom of the duty slip - Under 'Activity Log' view any activity details done by you or an employee id.

15 - New export columns for different sections

a) Additional columns for Corporate accounts export: To get accurate reports of your duties and suppliers, we have added a few columns to Duties export:

Supplier Invoice status (Pending, Submitted, Accepted)
Supplier invoice submission date
External supplier invoice number
External supplier invoice date
Booked Duty Type
Booked Vehicle Group

b) Additional columns for Billing export: For easy reference and to simplify your export invoice reports, two new columns have been added to Export Invoice:

Credit note amount
Debit note amount

c) Additional columns for Credit/Debit note export: Two new columns have been added for your easy accounting reference:

Invoice number
Invoice date

d) Additional columns for Purchase invoice export: For your report and compliance requirements, we have added the column ‘Purchase Invoice created by' to Export Purchase-Invoices.

16 - Indecall App Update

Indecall now offers support for the latest version of Android 5.0 and above. Enjoy the app's features and functionality with the most up-to-date Android operating system for an enhanced user experience.

Updated on: 05/02/2025

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