Articles on: What's new

Updates from December 2023 to January 2024

We are excited to share the new improvements and features we have developed that are sure to enhance your user experience!

Read more to see what's new….

1- Increased export limit:

We understand the need for a higher amount of data to be exported in one go. We have increased the export limit to 50,000 records across all sections.

2- Driver and vehicle photos visible in the app

The Indecab Corporate app now can display vehicle and driver photos when added to the masters.

3- Get real-time alerts of rejected duty slips:

In the event that a duty slip is rejected by your customer associate, your duty will be visible in the 'Needs Attention' section, enabling you to promptly implement necessary adjustments and re-send duty slip.

Go to Duties - Needs Attention - Double click on the duty - View Rejection reason and Edit duty slip

4- Allow selection of vehicle group based on duty type for passengers

We have added the ability to set the selection of vehicle groups based on the duty type. For example, if you want your users to only select SUVs for Outstation duties. It's now possible to do that.

Go to masters - Passenger/Employees - Under ‘Passenger settings’ - Under ‘Duty Types - Vehicle groups mapping’ - Choose duty type under ‘For Duty Type’ - Under ‘Allowed Vehicle Group’ select the Vehicle group that should be automatically selected - save

5- Export column addition:

'Passenger Designation' is available in the Duties export.

Tip: To add passenger designation, Go to masters - Passengers/Employee - click on the passenger - under designation enter the position - save.

6- RCM taxes on e-invoices can be sent to the GST portal

E-invoice users who have customers for whom RCM taxes are charged, these taxes can now be sent to the GST portal during e-invoice creation.

To enable this, go to me - business settings - under billing - click on ‘Show Non-Chargeable (RCM) Taxes in E-Invoice’ - save changes.

7- Flexibility to change billing company:

We've all been there, creating an invoice in one company that needed to be billed under another. A new single-click solution solves this.

Learn More: How to change company under which invoice has been generated

8- Copy settings easily:

Setting up masters with the same properties can be time-consuming. We have added the ability to copy properties from one master to many.

This has been enabled in 4 sections:

My Drivers
My Vehicles

Learn More: How to copy set of fields from one master to other master

We hope these new features will further enhance your experience with Indecab.

Updated on: 12/09/2024

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