Articles on: What's new

Updates from August 2023 to October 2023

Small updates go a long way, we have updated new features that will make a significant difference in improving your user experience and streamlining automation processes.

1 - Automated tax selection on invoices

We have set a system in place that will automatically differentiate between State and Interstate tax invoices and apply the applicable taxes to your invoices, this would take place based on your customer's GSTIN and your company's GSTIN.

Example: If your customer's GSTIN is in Maharashtra and your company's GSTIN is Telangana, automatically IGST would be applied.

2 - Purchase invoice updates

If you work with associates on the Indecab Network, it's a good time to start sending and receiving invoices over the Network as well. We have added new features that will vastly improve the flow of incoming Purchase invoices and help you track better.

Once a Purchase invoice is accepted, it can be canceled and a reason can be mentioned.

View rejected invoices with a complete activity log

Quick view of the duty slip while accepting a Purchase invoice

Purchase duties section status updates

Pending - Invoice is yet to be received from the Supplier
Submitted - When your associate supplier has submitted an invoice
Accepted - Incoming purchase invoice received has been accepted
Rejected - You have rejected the purchase invoice and waiting for the updated one

3 - View alert when From city & reporting address do not match

If you have Google Places activated for your account and a corporate passenger attempts to create a booking where the 'From city' and reporting address are of different cities, an alert will be generated prompting the passenger to correct the entry.

4 - Ability for Passengers to add a reason while rejecting a duty slip

Once a duty has been completed and the duty slip is sent for approval to the passenger, the passenger can click on Reject and enter a rejection reason.

The rejection reason entered here can be viewed in the activity log

5- Improved date range selection

We have upgraded the date range with quick selectors, this will help you choose your desired date range quickly and give you more control over how you view your data.

6 - Ability to delete or rename export profiles

Export profiles are a powerful functionality to get reports quickly. We have made it better by adding the ability to delete and rename export profiles. This provides you with greater control and customization over your exports.

7 - Add booking page customisations

We added four new options to customise the 'Add booking' section

Find the new option in the Business Settings - Under Booking/Duties section - Go to Booking Form - Customisation

The four customisation options are-

Hide field "Start from the garage before (in min)"

Hide 'Dispatch center'

Hide 'Bill to'

Make reporting address mandatory

8 - Ability for bookers to receive duty slip approval emails

If you work with customers who often place booking requests through EAs and secretaries this feature enables you to send duty slip approval emails to the bookers as well.

Open your corporate admin account - Go to Me - Business Settings - Click on Others - Scroll to the bottom - Under Network Options - Select ‘Request passenger approval before auto accepting duty slip’ - In the dropdown select ‘Send passenger approval emails to booker’ - Save changes.

9 - Quick view of duty slip acceptance

When a duty slip is accepted by an associate, a double tick appears next to the duty status indicating that the duty slip is approved and ready to be invoiced.

10 - Ability to multi-select and download a ZIP of all invoices

Instead of dealing with a long list of individual files, you can choose to simply multi-select and download a single ZIP file that contains all the invoices as per your selection.

Go to Operations - Billing - Click on the box next to each invoice - Select Download - Select Download ZIP File.

11 - Export Column additions in different sections

a) Duties export

Additional contact name
Additional contact phone number
Additional contact email ID,
Duty supporter name
Duty supporter phone number
Supplier booking request rejection report
Supplier Rejections - Name, Time, Reason

b) Receipts export

Unsettled Amount

c) Invoices export Invoices

Tax Classification (Nature of Transaction)

d) Export Purchase Payment

Unsettled Amount
NEFT- Transaction Number
NEFT- Bank Name

Updated on: 12/09/2024

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