Articles on: What's new

Updates from August 2022 to November 2022

Hope this update brings you more value and enables you to get more out of your Indecab account. Below is a quick round-up of the new functionality we have built recently!

1 - Supplier Master updates

A - Added vehicle number as a column in the Supplier Master listing.

B - Built the ability to select where 'whichever is higher' to be considered for extra calculations

C - Added the ability to limit allotment of a supplier to specific duty types.

2 - Record passenger approval of duty slips

Each time a duty is completed or closed, your corporate passenger can get an email requesting approval of the duty slip. If they miss the email approval would be automatically recorded within 48hrs.

To set this up, in your Corporate account,

Go to Me - Business Settings - Others - Select ‘Request passenger approval before auto accepting duty slip'

This is what the email would look like:

3 - Complete Customer & Supplier pricing export

This one finally made it to the update list after many requests, from the Customer and Supplier Master, find the 'Export Pricing' button to get a complete download of your pricing.

4 - Ability to copy pricing from one customer to all customers in the same group

5 - Booking section has been segregated based on status

Get a clearer overview of each booking by simply switching between each tab. Remember, a single booking can have multiple duties within it, click on a booking to view all the duties.

6 - Ability to re-enable a disabled Employee login

7 - Feedback request is automatically sent when a duty is 'Stopped' on the Driver app.

8 - Pricing sync is now active for Corporate accounts
Pricing added in the Customer master of your account can be updated in the Corporate account with the click of a button.

9 - Ability to disable stop OTP

Use this to disable auto-delivery of 'stop OTP' SMSes when using the Indecab Go-Driver app.

10 - New export column options

Billing export:
Custom row description
Purchase invoices export:
Custom row description
Duty Start Date
Duty End Date
Passenger fields
Duties export:
Supplier invoice amount
Supplier invoiced (Supplier invoice status)
Supplier base price
Dispatch center
Cost per passenger (Subtotal including allowances/number of passengers)

Updated on: 12/09/2024

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