Articles on: Booking & Allotment

Understanding the Duties section

In this module, we will take you through the duties tab and its various sections.

1: Incoming Duties

Duties that are allotted to you by your network associate will be listed under the Incoming Duty Section.
All incoming duties are shown in this tab. Additionally, the navigation bar turns red to show any pending activity.

2: Upcoming Duties.

To view your upcoming duties, follow the following process:
Duties > Upcoming

In the upcoming duties tab, you will see the total list of duties that you have today and in the future.

In the upcoming duty tab you will see the following:

1: Status sections:

You can navigate through different duties based on their status

2: Add Booking:

By clicking on the add booking tab you can create a new booking. To learn more on how to add a new
booking click here. Article: How to add a new booking.

3: Filter:

As your bookings increase, you will need to filter your duties to make it simpler to locate and navigate
through your duties.
You can filter/search your duties by:
Name (customer/passenger/driver, etc.)
Duty Type [to learn more about duty types click here: Duty types ]
Booking ID
Start and end dates
Vehicle group
Vehicle number

Tip: Type in ‘All suppliers’ or ‘All drivers’ in the filter to view all outsourced duties or all duties that were allotted to your own fleet.

4: Total:

By clicking on view, you will get to know the total number of upcoming bookings you currently have.

5: Large Gear Icon:

Use this to Export or Import Duties. To learn more about exporting duties click here and to learn more
about importing duties click here

6: Small Gear Icon:

The small gear icon lets you make actions at a duty level. The options available in the small gear icon will
differ based on the state of your duty. In Upcoming duties, the small gear icon gives you the following
Unconfirm duty
Add/Remove labels
Edit Duty
Allot vehicle and driver
Allot supporters
Print duty slip
View booking
Cancel duty

Note: The options would change based on the status of the duty.

3: Booked

To view your duties in the booked status, follow the following process:
Home > Duties > Booked.

In the Booked tab, you will see the list of duties that are in the booked status and pending allotment.

To allot a duty, simply hover over the duty and click on allot and select the driver/supplier from the pop-up

4: Allotted

To view your duties in the allotted status, follow the following process:
Home > Duties > Allotted.

Once you have allotted a driver/supplier to duty, the duty is moved to the allotted section.

By clicking on send info, you can send the duty details to the allotted driver/supporters as well as send
driver and vehicle information to your customers.

You can filter through your duties the same way as you did in the upcoming and booked sections.

The small gear icon in the allotted tab has the following options:
Add/Remove labels
Edit Duty
Allot supporters
Change driver
Clear allotment
Send info
Send driver/supplier location
Print duty slip
Create placard
Mark as dispatched
Close duty
Add petty cash
View booking
Cancel duty

Tip: Click on ‘Mark as dispatched’ to manually dispatch a duty and move it to the dipatched section. For duties where the driver is using the mobile application, the duty would be dispatched automatically when the driver starts the duty.

5: Dispatched

To view your duties that vehicles have been dispatched for, follow the following process:
Home > Duties > Dispatched.

In the dispatched tab, you will see the duties for which vehicles have been dispatched.

In the dispatched duty tab you can hover over the duty to get the option to close the duty. This will open a
box to enter the KM and Time details of the duty as well as make other changes.

Note: Duties would get closed automatically for drivers using the driver mobile app.

You can filter through your duties the same way as you did in the upcoming and booked duty tabs.

The small gear icon in the dispatched tab has the following options:
Add/Remove labels
Clear allotment
Send info
Send driver/supplier location
Print duty slip
Create placard
Close duty
Add petty cash
View booking
Cancel duty

6: Completed

To view your duties that been completed, follow the following process:
Home > Duties > Completed.

In the completed tab, you will see all the duties that have been closed.

You can filter through your completed duties the same way as you did in the upcoming and booked duty

The small gear icon in the completed tab has the following options:
View duty slip
Edit duty slip
Clear duty slip
Add/Remove labels
Print duty slip
Approve duty slip
Add petty cash
Make adjustments
View booking

7: Billed

To view your duties that have been billed, follow the following process:
Home > Duties > Billed.

The billed tab will show you all the duties that an invoice has been generated for. Learn
How to create invoices here.

You can export the billed duties using the large gear icon.

The small gear icon in the completed tab has the following options:
View duty slip
Add/Remove labels
Print duty slip
Add petty cash
Make adjustments
View booking
View invoice

7: Cancelled

To view duties that been canceled, follow the following process:
Home > Duties > Canceled.

Under the canceled tab, you will see all the bookings and duties that were canceled.
You can export these bookings by clicking on the large gear icon and then export.

In the small gear icon you will find the following options:
Add/Remove labels
View booking.

8: All

To view all duties follow the following process:
Home > Duties > All.

In the ‘All’ tab you will see all your bookings in the different state they are in.
You can export all your bookings by using the large gear icon. The small gear icon will give you different
options depending on the status of the duty.

Updated on: 15/09/2020

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