Articles on: Corporate accounts

How to use a corporate account - passenger login

This module will take you through the different steps in using your corporate account (passenger login).

Step 1: Log in using your passenger login credentials.

To login to your account go to and enter in your passenger login details.

Step 2A: Add a new booking for yourself

Once you are logged in, go to the duties tab - and click on add booking and enter in all the booking

Once a booking is created, it is allotted to the associated CRC automatically.

If a booking needs to be approved by a manager before it is processed, on clicking ‘book’ an email
will be sent to the manager email address associated with this passenger login to accept the booking.
This has to be set-up in Masters - Employee of the corporate account.

Once approved, the booking will be sent to the CRC.

Step 2B: Adding a booking for someone else.

To create a booking for someone else go to duties, add booking - remove your name from the passenger
section by clicking on the ‘x’ like shown in the image below and then fill in all the details.

When you created a booking you will become the booked by contact for that booking.

Note: When creating a booking for someone else, the approval rules of that passenger, if any, will be automatically applied to the booking.

Step 3: Viewing and managing bookings

Once your bookings are created they can be viewed from the Duties section based on the status of the
specific duties in the booking.

In case you need to make any changes to the booking or individual duties you can do so by the following

1: Booking Level Changes:

The changes made at the Booking level changes will impact the entire booking that is created. To make
changes at the booking level got to duties - upcoming - select the booking and click on edit. You can now
make the booking level changes you need.

2: Duty level changes:

The changes made at the duty level will only affect that specific duty and not impact the entire duty. To
make duty level changes select the duty from the duties tab - upcoming duties - use the small gear icon
to click on Edit Duty.

Note: Once a duty is in progress it cannot be edited.

Updated on: 15/09/2020

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