Booker/ passenger accounts are individual accounts created with the sole purpose of creating and managing bookings for themselves or other passengers.
Go to Masters - Employees - click on Add Employee - enter a name and unique email id - scroll to the bottom and tick the checkbox for Is Passenger? - you will see a list of settings that can be customised for this passenger login
Please use an email address that your corporate customer has access to. This will protect your data as well as allow you to change users by resetting the password. Once an email id is registered on Indecab, it cannot be deleted.
1- Employee Band:
Just like permission profile you can create a preset permission in Bands. Once you select a band it will automatically set the permissions. To create bands go to passenger/employee - click on manage bands - Add Band - select settings - save
2- Allowed Vehicle Groups:
Select the vehicle groups that the passenger can create bookings for
3- Extended Vehicle Group:
In case the selected vehicle group is not available, you can select additional vehicle groups that should be visible
4- Allowed Duty Types:
Select the duty types for which this passenger can create bookings for
5- Allowed cities:
Select the cities for which this passenger can create bookings for
6- Base City:
Select a default city that should be visible in From service location while creating a booking
7- Visible Customers:
Select customer entity of the corporate that this passenger can create bookings for
8- Selection:
Here are a list of permissions that you can select for this passenger
A- Allow Custom passengers while adding a booking - This will allow this passenger to add other passengers to their booking
B- Allow supplier selection for allotment - If you have multiple suppliers this will allow your passenger to select which supplier will perform duty
C- Enable auto allotment - This will allow the duty created to be automatically allotted
D- Show supplier pricing to this passenger - This will allow supplier to see pricing of the passenger
E- Enable strict auto-login data validation This is for API purposes and will be covered in Booker/passenger through API
9- Booking approving manager:
If the bookings created by this passenger requires an approval you can enter manager email id here
10 - Send booking intimation:
Whenever a booking is created by this passenger, an intimation email should be triggered to the corporate. Enter the email id of the employee here.
11- Skip approval during this time:
Enter a time period during which booking approval is not required
12- Restrict duty type based on time range:
Enter a time period during which duty type should be visible
13- Duty Types- Vehicle group mapping:
Select a duty type and vehicle group that will automatically be selected
Once you have created the booker/passenger account, you need to create a user that enables them to log in. To create a user, move your mouse over the small gear icon and click on Create user.
Creating a user will send an email to the email ID used while adding the employee. The email will contain a link to set a password and gain access to Indecab.
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