Articles on: Billing & Receipts

How to create and use Proforma invoice.

This article will help you understand how to set up, create and manage Proforma invoices, enabling you to manage tax invoices efficiently.

1- How to set up?
2- How to create?
3- How to convert a Proforma invoice to a tax invoice?

1- How to set up?

Proforma invoice has to be set at a company level, Go to masters - My companies - Click on EDIT under the Performa company - Select 'Is Performa Invoice Company?' - Save.

2- How to create?
Once you have set up your company an Proforma invoice can be created under the Proforma company.

Go to Operations - Billing - Add new invoice- Select Customer - Under Billing as click on change and select Proforma company - Add Booking - Save

Once you have generated a Proforma invoice, the same would be visible in the invoice listing

Once created you can edit the Proforma invoice, send an email , download or print; just like a normal invoice

3- How to convert a Proforma invoice to a tax invoice?

With just a single click, you can convert a Proforma invoice into a tax invoice.

Go to Operations - Billing - Click on the invoice - select ‘Conver to tax invoice’ - Select a company to be created under - Select ‘Conver to tax invoice’

Once you have created the Proforma invoice will still be visible in the listing with the status ‘Invoiced’ but cannot be edited, you can refer to the activity log to view the tax invoice number.

If an Invoice due date has been set at a master level for a customer, once a tax invoice is created the same will be visible on the tax invoice

The invoice number would be as per the company selected while converting to tax invoice

Thank you.

Updated on: 25/08/2023

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