
How to set up a garage to garage duty

Learn how to set up and perform a garage to garage duty.

To set up garage-to-garage calculation, first create Duty Types for which you require garage-to-garage calculated duty slips and then create Branches from where the Start KM & End KM should be calculated.

Duty Types: Steps to create Duty Types

Go to Masters - Duty types - click on the duty type you want garage to garage calculation for or create a new duty type - Tick the check box next to Is Garage to Garage (GTG)? - For use with Indecab Go driver mobile app only - Save

Tip: If you have a contract with a specific customer where Garage to garage should be calculated only in certain cases, you can create duplicate duty types and name one duty type that helps you understand it is garage to garage and select Is garage to garage while creating that duty type.

Branches: Steps to create Branches

Go to Masters - Branches - click on Add New Branch - enter name - select Dispatch Center/ Office & Dispatch Center - Enter the correct location or nearby point in the map - enter city of operations.

If the garage is not associated with a city, keep the city of operations empty.

Place the location marker on the dispatch centre point or a nearby location to get accurate garage-to-garage calculations.

For example: Let’s create a booking for our dispatch center in Mumbai city, a simple pick up and drop local duty type of 3h 30km

While creating a booking we will select Bandra Branch, this will enable the duty type selected to calculate garage-to-garage calculation from Bandra branch to the reporting address - from reporting to drop address - from drop address back to Bandra branch.

Now click on Allot Duty - Allot duty to your driver/supplier with Indecab Go Driver App access - once the driver completes the duty, you will see the completed duty slip with garage-to-garage calculation

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