
How to enter pricing

Pricing can be entered for both customers and suppliers. Follow the steps below to set up pricing effectively.
  1. Navigate: Go to Masters > Customer > Select the customer > Select 'New Contract Dates' > Add.
  2. Enter Contract Dates: Once you have entered the contract dates for the customer, you will see the custom pricing input table.
  • Edit Dates: Select this to edit your current contract dates.
  • Vehicle Groups: Select the vehicle group you want to create a package for.
  • City: If you have different pricing for each city, select the city. If you select ALL, the pricing you enter will apply to all cities.
  • Duty Type: These are the packages that you offer to your customer.
  • Base Rate: Enter the price that you offer for this Duty Type under the selected Vehicle Group.
  • Extra KM Rate: Enter the rate you charge per KM if the duty exceeds the duty type km limit.
  • Extra HR Rate: Enter the rate you charge per hour if the duty exceeds the duty type HR limit.
  • Download PDF: Select this to download the Custom Pricing data in PDF format.
  • Copy Pricing From: If you have another customer with the same pricing and contract dates, select the customer you want to copy pricing from. This updates the current customer's pricing and contract dates with the same values as the customer you have chosen to copy the pricing from.

Note: The options for Auto-switch slabs and Switch path group will be covered further in this guide.

  1. Navigate: Go to Masters - Supplier - Select the supplier - Select 'New Contract Dates' - Add.
  2. Enter Contract Dates: Once you have entered the contract dates for the supplier, you will see the custom pricing input table.
  • Edit Dates: Select this to edit your current contract dates.
  • Customer: If you pay this supplier a custom price for a specific customer, select the customer and enter pricing information.
  • Vehicle Groups: Select the vehicle group you want to create a package for.
  • City: If your supplier has different pricing for each city, select the city. If you select ALL, the pricing you enter apply to all cities.
  • Duty Type: These are the packages that you offer your customer.
  • Base Rate: Enter the price that you pay for this Vehicle Group & Duty Type.

Note: For outstation duties, you can calculate the rate based on the per kilometre cost. E.g. If your Outstation duty type is 250km per day and your per KM rate is Rs.15, then the base rate for Outstation duty type would be 250x15 = 3750/-

  • Extra KM Rate: Enter the rate you pay per KM if the duty exceeds the duty type KM limit.
  • Extra HR Rate: Enter the rate you pay per hour if the duty exceeds the duty type hour limit.

Sometimes, a duty may exceed the distance or kilometres limit of the duty type it was booked under. In such cases, it becomes imperative that different rates are taken into account when calculating the cost for such a duty. Thankfully, Indecab allows you to configure the required actions for such scenarios, allowing you to calculate the right pricing for the duty, without any manual calculations.

In the next article we will learn about setting up auto-switch based on Duty Types.

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