Go to Me - Business Settings - Click on WhatsApp Templates - Tick the checkbox for Enable WhatsApp for business - Save Changes
Once the above is enabled, simply tick the checkbox next to the phone number in the WhatsApp Message column while sending allotment information to send the allotment information via WhatsApp to that number.
Once you have enabled WhatsApp messaging, whenever you send any message via Indecab, the pop up will give you the option to send the message through WhatsApp as well.
You can track the delivery status of your WhatsApp messages by going to Operations - WhatsApp Messages
After a WhatsApp message has been sent to your customer, they will have the option to click on an unsubscribe link in the first message to opt out of receiving further messages from you. However, if they later reply to the same chat after unsubscribing, they will be automatically re-subscribed to receive WhatsApp messages from you.
If the customer responds within 24 hours to a message sent on WhatsApp, an auto-response would be shared stating ‘This is an unmonitored chat, please contact your service provider for more information"
Want to send all your messages only via WhatsApp? Go to Me - Business Settings - Click on WhatsApp Templates and tick the checkbox for Enable intelligent messaging for business. If this is enabled, when a user is unsubscribed from receiving WhatsApp messages or their number is not registered on WhatsApp, an SMS will automatically be sent to them.
Please connect with our support team on support@indecab.com to understand the requirements to customize your header and masking.
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