Go to Masters - Suppliers - click on Add Supplier - Enter the name and under Type, select Driver cum owner(DCO)/Attached
Once you select Driver cum owner (DCO)/ Attached you will see the relevant form to add details
Here you will enter the driver, vehicle and owner details:
1- Avatar: Enter the driver photo here.
2- Vehicle Model: Enter vehicle model here
3- Vehicle Number: Enter the registration number of the vehicle here. This will be visible in allotment details.
4- Fuel Type: Enter the vehicle fuel type here.
5- Vehicle Photo: Upload the vehicle photo. This will be visible in the allotment details.
6- Owner name: If the owner of the vehicle and driver are different, enter the owner’s name here.
7- Owner phone number: Enter the owner’s phone number here.
Enter the following form details as per your contract with the supplier
1- Name:
Enter driver name here. This will be visible in allotment details sent to customers and passengers.
2- Address:
Enter the driver’s address here
3- State:
Select the state your driver belongs to
4- Phone number:
Enter driver phone number here, this will also be used when you want to create a login and make use of Indecab Go Driver for your DCO to perform duty
5- GSTIN Billing Details Name:
If the name to be visible while creating a booking and while generating a purchase invoice differs, you can enter the name for the purchase invoice here
6- Billing Address:
If the address to be visible on the purchase invoice is different, you can enter the same here
7- State:
Select a state if it differs from booking and purchase invoice
8- Use billing name in Tally export:
If the billing name should be used when importing ledger to your Tally, keep this selected
9- Alternate phone number:
If the driver has an alternate phone number, enter the same here
10- Email address:
Enter the DCO’s email address here
11- GSTIN Number:
Enter in case the DCO has an GSTIN number
12- GST Type:
This will be used to mentioned GST type, example RCM
13- Reverse charge applicable:
If the purchase invoice raised should be under RCM mechanism you can select the same here
14- Revenue share percentage %:
Your earning will be based on the revenue share percentage that you enter here.
15- Head Office city:
You can select a city here.
16- Supplier group:
In case if you have setup a supplier group, you can assign the same here.
17- Alternate Email Address:
If the supplier has an alternate email address you will enter the same here.
18- PAN Number:
Enter the supplier PAN number here.
19- Service Tax Number:
You will enter your supplier Tax number or in case of MSME enter the same here.
20- TDS %:
TDS to be deducted when generating an invoice should be mentioned here.
21- Pincode:
Enter the supplier Pincode here.
22: Default Tax Classification- (Used in Purchase Invoice for Tally):
Select the default tax classification to be visible when importing purchase to Tally
23- TDS Ledger Type:
Select the TDS ledger type to be visible on purchase invoice
24: Applicable Taxes:
Select default taxes that should be visible in purchase invoice
25: Working Hours:
Enter a start and end time after which overtime per hour should be paid to supplier
26: Applicable Interstate Taxes:
In case if you have multiple entities to create purchase invoice under and the tax should change as per the entity selected, enter the interstate taxes here example IGST
27- Driver Allowance Settings:
If you have a contract with the DCO/Company and they charge you an early start and night allowance, select a specific city or choose ALL for PAN India, enter a time in early start before which early start allowance will be paid and enter a late time after which night allowance will be paid to the supplier. In outstation overnight allowance time, if it is an outstation duty (Day-KM) and allowance is to be paid to the supplier, enter it here.
28- Cities - Limit ability to add bookings to these cities:
If any cities are entered here, the supplier will be visible while adding a booking only in those cities. To enable duties to be added in all cities, leave this blank.
29- Duty Types - Limit ability to add bookings to these Duty Types:
If any duty types are entered here, you can only allot those duty types to the supplier. Leave blank to enable selection of all your duty types.
30- Vehicle Group - Limit ability to add bookings to these Vehicle Groups:
If any vehicle groups are entered, the supplier will be visible while allotting a duty to only those vehicle groups. Leave blank to enable selection of all vehicle groups.
31- Branches:
If the supplier should be visible during allotment for a booking created under a specific branch select this
32- Cities to only consider extras that have total cost on invoice:
Select a city for which if the duty is HR-KM Local basis and in case of extras if the duty exceeds HR or KM the highest extra total should only be considered on the purchase invoice
33- Bank Accounts:
Enter bank account details for your purchase payment entries here
34- Files:
Enter any backup files here
35- Supplier Code:
Enter a unique 2 letter code for the supplier this is useful for exports and search
36- Enable app logout button:
If the DCO is going to use Indecab Go Driver App, you can select this option to allow him to logout of the app
37- Active:
If this column is unticked the supplier will not be visible in allotment
Note: The Indecab Go - Driver app will only be used to digitise duty slips for DCO suppliers
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