Go to Masters - Suppliers - click on Add Supplier - select Type as Company
Once you select Company, you will see the relevant form to add details.
Here you will enter the following:
As per your contract with the company supplier, enter the details in the below mentioned columns:
1- Name:
Enter company name here
2- Address:
Enter company address here
3- State:
Select the state your supplier’s company belongs to
4- Phone number:
Enter the company owner’s phone number here
5- GSTIN Billing Details Name:
If the name to be visible while creating a booking and while generate a purchase invoice differs, you can enter the name for purchase invoice here
6- Billing Address:
If the address to be visible on the purchase invoice is different, you can enter the same here
7- State:
Select a state if it differs from booking and purchase invoice
8- Use billing name in Tally export:
If the billing name should be used when importing ledger to your Tally, keep this box checked
9- Alternate phone number:
If the company has an alternate phone number, enter it here
10- Email address:
Enter an email address here
11- GSTIN Number:
Enter in case the supplier has a GSTIN number
12- GST Type:
This will be used to mentioned GST type, eg. RCM
13- Reverse charge applicable:
If the purchase invoice raised should be under RCM mechanism you can select the same here
14- Revenue share percentage %:
Your earnings will be calculated based on the revenue share percentage that you enter here
15- Head Office city:
You can select a city here
16- Supplier group:
If you have setup a supplier group, you can assign it here
17- Alternate Email Address:
If the supplier has an alternate email address, enter it here
18- PAN Number:
Enter the supplier PAN number here
19- Service Tax Number:
Enter your supplier’s Tax number or in case of MSME enter the same here
20- TDS %:
The percentage of TDS to be deducted when generating an invoice should be mentioned here
21- Pincode:
Enter the supplier Pin Code here
22: Default Tax Classification- (Used in Purchase Invoice for Tally):
Select the default tax classification that should be visible when importing purchase to Tally
23- TDS Ledger Type:
Select the TDS ledger type that should be visible on the purchase invoice
24: Applicable Taxes:
Select the default taxes that should be visible in purchase invoice
25: Working Hours:
Enter the start and end timings after which overtime per hour should be paid to the supplier
26: Applicable Interstate Taxes:
If you have multiple entities under which you create purchase invoices and want the tax applied to change as per the entity you have selected, enter the interstate taxes here, e.g. IGST
27- Driver Allowance Settings:
If your contract with the supplier company requires you to pay an early start and night allowance, select the city it applies to or choose ALL for PAN India. Enter the start timing in Early Time before which early start allowance will be paid and enter Late Time timings after which night allowance will be paid to the supplier for the duty. In outstation overnight allowance time, if an outstation overnight allowance must to be paid to the supplier after an outstation duty (Day-KM) duty crosses a certain time, enter the timing here.
28- Cities - Limit ability to add bookings to these cities:
If any cities are entered here, the supplier will be visible during allotment only for bookings in these cities. To enable duties of any city to be allotted to this supplier, leave this blank.
29- Duty Types - Limit ability to add bookings to these Duty Types:
Use this to set the Duty Types for which you source services from this supplier. If the duty type for the booking matches the duty types you set here, only then will this supplier be visible for allotment. Leave blank to enable selection for all your duty types.
30- Vehicle Group - Limit ability to add bookings to these Vehicle Groups:
Use this to set the Categories - Vehicle Groups for which your source services from this supplier. If the vehicle group required for booking matches the Categories-Vehicle Groups you mention here, only then will this supplier be visible for allotment. Leave blank to enable selection of this supplier for all vehicle groups.
31- Branches:
If the supplier should be visible only during allotment for bookings created under a specific branch of your company, you can assign those branches here.
32- Cities - To only consider extras that have total cost on invoice:
Select a city for which if the duty exceeds the assigned hours or kilometers, only the extra charge with the higher total (either extra hours or extra kilometers) should be considered on the purchase invoice.
33- Bank Accounts:
Enter the bank account details for your purchase payment entries here
34- Files:
Enter any backup files here
35- Supplier Code:
Enter a unique 2-letter code for the supplier. This is useful for exports and search.
36- Enable app logout button:
If the DCO is going to use Indecab Go Driver App, you can select this option to allow him to logout of the app
37- Active:
If this column is unticked the supplier will not be visible in allotment
Tip 1: If you work with a company that has 5 or fewer vehicles and the driver-vehicle combination is always the same, you could create all 5 drivers as 'Driver cum owners (DCO)' and group them together using a supplier group created under that company’s name.
Tip 2: If you would like to use the Indecab go - Driver app to digitize duty slips you will have to create each supplier as a Driver cum owner (DCO).
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