Billing Items are additional fields/line items that you can use on invoices sent to customers. You can use these to document expenses incurred during a journey and add them to your invoice in addition to car hire charges. They can be added to a duty by the driver or by your booking team while closing or editing a duty slip.
To create Billing items, go to Masters - Billing items.
To learn about how to create new Billing items in the Master's section click here.
While closing a duty, select a billing item from the drop-down box and enter the pricing for the same. If you need to add more billing items, you can click on Add another item and then select the billing item from the drop-down menu. You can also add a description under the name of the item in the Add Description section highlighted in blue.
Once you have added the billing items to a duty slip while closing the duty, they will be displayed as individual line items on the invoice.
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