Articles on: Driver app & Location Tracking

Sending driver location info to customers, passengers & bookers

This article will give you a detailed understanding of the Indecab 'En route' feature.

What is the 'En route' feature?

The feature allows you to share your driver's real-time location information with customers, passengers & bookers before the starting of the duty or even during a duty.

How does it work?

When driver location info is sent, your customer, passenger & booker will receive an SMS & Email with a
link to the driver's real-time location. Clicking on a link will open the web browser displaying the location.

En route would only work for drivers that have location tracking enabled.

Click to to get started with Location Tracking

Step 1: Enabling the En route functionality

En route is an optional feature which can be enabled from the Business settings . Remember when you
enable this feature all drivers who have location tracking enabled would get the 'En route' button in
the driver app.

Sending location information

1. From the duties section

Right click on any duty that is 'Allotted' or 'In-progress'. Click on 'Send driver/supplier location'. When you click on 'Send' an SMS & Email would be sent with a link to the drivers location.

2. From the Indecab Go - Driver app

After a driver has accepted a duty and is on the way to the reporting address at the reporting time.
He/she should click on the 'En-route' button in the Indecab Go - Driver app . When this is done an SMS & Email would be sent with a link to the drivers location to your customers, passengers and bookers.

Updated on: 15/09/2020

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