Articles on: Understanding Operations


This article will take you through the Receipts section and how to use.

What is a receipt?

A receipt is created to record a payment received from customers. You can record a payment received against,

- One specific invoice
- Multiple invoices
- An advance payment
- An on account payments received

To get started go to Operations - Receipts. Let's get acquainted with the receipts section.

1 - Filters

You can filter the receipts by customer name, customer group or receipt number. You can also filter the receipts by a custom date range.

2 - View Totals

The text marked as ‘view total’ is a one click calculation that tells you the following:
Total amount
TDS Deducted

3 - Add Receipt

The add receipt button lets you add a new receipt for any invoices that have payments cleared. Click here to learn How to create an invoice.

4 - Large gear Icon

The large gear icon lets you export your receipts.

5 - Total

By clicking on view, you will get to know the total number of receipts generated.

Adding a new receipt

For a specific invoice or for multiple invoices:

To add a new receipt, click on the ‘Add New Receipt’ button. Select the customers name or customer group from their respective drop down lists, select the invoices against which you have
received a payment for, select the payment mode, enter the transaction details and hit save.

Tip: TDS calculations would take place automatically if the TDS % is entered in the Customer master.

For an advance payment received:

Advance payments are payments that are made before the duty begins. Advance payments can be adding while entering the booking as well. Click here to learn How to add advance payments.

However in the scenario where you need to enter an advance payment after the invoice has been raised you can also do that by adding a receipt and selecting that receipt on the invoice.

To add an advance payment, click on the ‘Add New Receipt’ button. Select the customers name from the drop down, select the ‘Is Advance’ box, select the payment mode, enter the advance amount and click on ‘Save’.

For an ‘On Account’ payment received:

Any lump sum payment received from a customer which is not against any specific invoices can be entered as an ‘On account’ receipt. To add an On Account receipt, click on the
‘Add New Receipt’ button. Select the customers name from the drop down, select the ‘On Account’ box, select the payment mode, enter the transaction details and click on save

For a payment received via the Payment Gateway:

If you are using the payment gateway feature on Indecab, you can confirm payments from the payment gateway section to auto generate a receipt for the same. To know more about the payment gateway and how to use it click here Payment Gateway

After a receipt is saved it will be visible in the Receipts listing section. Click on a receipt to view it. At the top right you would have the option to,

Edit - Used to make changes to the receipt
Print - Used to print the receipt
Cancel - Used to cancel the receipt.
Email - Used to send emails to the customer
Download Pdf - Used to download pdf format of the receipt.

Note: Invoices selected for a receipt that is canceled would get marked as outstanding.

Next: Payment Gateway

Updated on: 15/09/2020

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