A receipt is created to record a payment received from customers. You can record a payment received against the following:
- An invoice
- An advance payment
- If an On Account payment is received
Go to Operations - Receipts - Click on Add New Receipt - select customer - tick the checkbox for On Account - Enter amount in Payment Received - select Payment mode - Enter Bank Credit Date- Save
Go to Operations - Receipts - Click on Add New Receipt - select customer - tick the checkbox for Is Advance - Enter amount in Payment Received - select Payment mode - Enter Bank Credit Date- Save
Go to Operations - Billing - click on an invoice - click on Apply Receipts - a pop up will open which will display your On Account and Advance entries - enter the amount you wish to apply under Amount - click on Apply
Click on Add New Receipts - select customer - click on a single or multiple invoices to select them - click on Add Amount
In the Invoices section you will see all the selected invoices - under Amount you can make any changes if needed - select payment mode - select Bank credit date - click on Save
The amount will be applied against the invoice.
Tip: TDS calculations will take place automatically if the TDS % is entered in the Customer master.
1- Filter:
You can narrow down your search by customer, receipt number
2- Date range:
Select the date range
3- View Totals:
Based on the filter and date range applied you can see the Total Amount, TDS Deducted and Adjustment total
4- Receipt Number:
Receipt entry number
5- Entry Date:
Date when the receipt was created
6- Customer:
Customer name
7- Mode:
The payment mode for the receipt will be displayed here
8- Status:
Status of payment
9- Bank Credit Date:
Date on which the amount was credited in your account
10- Amount:
Total amount of the receipt
11- Unsettled Amount:
Any amount pending to apply to an invoice will be visible here
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