Articles on: Understanding Operations

Purchase Payment

In this article, we will take you through the Purchase - Payments section.

What is a Purchase - Payment?

A Purchase - Payment is an entry to record the payments you have made to your suppliers (vendors).
Entries in this section can be made to record,

Advance payments
Payment against invoices

The Purchase - Payments tab shows you all the supplier invoices that you have made payments against.
You can find this section under Operations > Purchase - Payments.

When you open the Purchase - Payments section you will see the following options.

1 - Filters.

You can filter by supplier group or supplier name. You can also filter the details by a custom date range.

2 - Add Payment

You can add new purchase payment by simply clicking on the ‘Add Payment’ button and filling out the
details. Once you click save the receipt will be displayed in this section.

3 - Total

By clicking on view, you will get to know the total number of Supplier payments you have made.

4 - Large Gear Icon:

You can now export your purchase payment requests by going to the Large Gear Icon.

Adding a new Purchase - Payment

Once you have made a payment to a vendor/supplier, you can create an entry to record the same.
Invoices selected while entering a Purchase - Payment would be marked as paid.

To add a purchase payment, click the ‘Add Payment’ button on the top right of the screen. Once the new payment section opens, select the supplier and you will see a list of all pending purchase invoices for that supplier.

After selecting the purchase invoices you can enter the payment mode and select the bank account from which the supplier payment was made.

In case you are making an advance payment to a supplier, make sure you select the ‘Is Advance’
check box. The system will give you the option to add an advance to the next purchase invoice that you

You can also add any notes/remarks you have about the payment in the comments section. Once you
have filled out all the details click save and the Purchase Payment Receipt will be saved.

Once you have completed adding in the payment entry, click on ‘Save’. This will save the entry and
take you back to the Purchase - Payments listing section. Click on the entry to view it. If any changes are
needed you can Edit it by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button at the top right. In case you need to cancel the
payment entry, you can click on the ‘Cancel’ button at the top right. You can also download the pdf by clicking on Download pdf and you can send an email of the purchase payment by clicking on Email.

Next: Driver Payroll

Updated on: 17/09/2020

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