Articles on: Understanding Masters


This article will take you through how to create and use Labels effectively.

What are Labels?

Labels are colored searchable tags, which you can assign to a booking or a duty. There are four steps
to using Labels.

Create Labels in the Masters
Enable the Labels column from the business settings
Assigning a label to a customer or a passenger to reflect in all their duties.
Assign a label to a booking or a duty

Step 1: Creating Labels in the Masters

To get started, go to Masters and click on Labels . To create a new Label, click on 'Add label'.

Create a label with the understanding that labels are visible and searchable in the Duties section. You can
select if you want the labels to be visible in the duties section or if you want them to be hidden (shown only when view details and when you view booking).
Use this feature creatively to manage your workflow and operations better.

Here are a few ideas for types of labels you could create:

Verbal booking
Special instructions, etc...

Step 2: Enable the Labels column from the business settings

Labels are optional, so if you would like to use them you would need to enable them from the Business
settings section.

Step 3: Assign labels to a customer or a person

You can assign labels to a customer or a specific passenger in the customer master.

To add labels for a customer:

Go to Masters - Customers - Select customer - Edit Customer - scroll down to the Labels section and select
the applicable labels.

To add labels for a person:

Go to Masters - Customers - Select customer - Click on Manage people - select the passenger - scroll down
to the Labels section and select the applicable labels.

Step 4: Assign a label to a booking or a duty

Using a label is really simple. Select a label while adding a booking.

If you have assigned a label to a customer or a passenger, it will be added to the booking as soon as you
select the customer or passenger from the drop-down list.

Also, you can assign labels at a duty level.

Tip: Adding/Removing labels from a duty will show up in the activity log of that duty

Filtering based on labels

You can view all duties that have a label assigned in the Duties section by typing the name of the label
into the filter. You can even export duties based on the labels selected. Learn more about exports here.

You can even filter by labels that are not displayed in the duties section by typing the label name in the

Next: Employees

Updated on: 15/09/2020

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