Custom fields are essential data points that are required by your customer while creating a booking and that will be displayed at different places as per the company’s requirements. E.g. Employee ID, Department name, PO numbers, etc.
Custom fields are set up at an individual customer level. To add custom fields for a customer go to Masters - Customers - Select the customer - click on Custom Fields - Add field
Once you click on Add Field you will see the following:
1- Name: Enter the name of the custom field to be created
2- Field Type: Under this you have 2 types - Text or Select
3- Show in the add booking section - If this is selected, you will be able to enter data for this field while creating a booking. Under this, you will see 2 additional options
4- Show in the duty slip - If this is selected, the custom field information will be included in the duty slip
5- Searchable - If this is selected, the custom field will be searchable in Duties/Bookings and Billing section
6- Show field name on the invoice and duty slip- If this is selected, the field name will be visible in your invoice and duty slip
How to create a custom field when ‘Deny Booked by, Passenger and Additional contact info to be added to Masters’ is selected?
To create a custom field when there is a restriction to enter new Booked By/ Passenger details, go to Custom Fields - Add Field - Select Show in the Add Booking section > Select Is field always editable > SAVE
By doing this, you will be able to create a field to add custom information while creating a booking even with the Masters restriction.
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