Articles on: Billing & Receipts

How to use automated Overdue Reminders

This article will take you through steps on how to set overdue reminders for your Customers.

What are Overdue Reminders?

Overdue reminders are an action that you can set up one time for your Customer, this would send an automatic reminder to your Customer for overdue invoice payments; reminders could be set up on the Customer level for all generated invoices or it could be set up for an individual invoice too.

To set up reminders at a Customer level follow the steps below:

Step 1:
Go to Masters > Customer > Select the Customer > Click on the Top Right Gear Icon > Select Overdue Reminder Settings

Step 2:
Select columns that should get overdue reminder alerts, add any additional email id that should receive overdue reminder alerts. The settings you do here would be your default setting for Overdue Reminders to the selected customer.

Note: This will update existing unpaid invoices of this customer with above email addresses. This applies only for default email address specified above.

Step 3:
Once you have set up the default contact email ids’ that should receive overdue reminders you can select a date on which the overdue reminders will be shared. Example: If you select 20, your Customer would receive overdue reminders on the 20th of every month on the above mentioned email addresses.

Understanding Overdue Reminder Emails:

Now that you have set up the overdue reminder settings in Masters > Customer, an automated email would be shared as a reminder to the email id mentioned

The above image represents what an Overdue/Outstanding Reminder email would look like to your Customer

Invoice Number: This column would have all the invoice numbers old and new with outstanding payments

Date: This column would have date of Invoice generated

Customer Name: This would have Customer name

GST Number/ State: This column would have GST number if mentioned in Masters > Customers

Total Amount: This column would show total of each invoice number

Status: This column would show payment status

Note: The amount mentioned in Total overdue would be the total amount of invoices that are on Overdue Status

View Invoices:
To ease the process of viewing invoices mentioned in the email, click on this.

This action would direct you to a new tab to download each invoice

Pay Now:
Customer can select Pay Now to initiate payment

Alternatively, customer can view invoice and then select Pay Now to initiate payment

Note: This is a chargeable feature, to activate this please send us an email on or call us on 8080294294, once the charges are confirmed by you we will proceed with adding this feature to your Indecab software.

Thank You!

Updated on: 10/08/2022

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