How to create export profiles
At Indecab we understand that data points required by your customer can vary from customer to customer. An export profile is a preset report download format. It allows you to select and permanently save columns you would like to use in Excel & PDF reports. This article will help you learn how to create export profiles that can be used while exporting data.
Learn How to Export Reports
How to create export profiles**
To create an Export profile, simply select the fields that you want in the report and click on the ‘Save as new’ button. Name the export profile and click save.

You can also edit the export profile by simply selecting the export profile from the drop-down - make the changes in the selection of the data points and click on update. The export profile will be updated.

Tip: Export profiles can be created for Duties exports and export from the Billing section as well.
In case, you would want to rename the export columns, you need to simply click on the column name and type the name of the column you desire.

Also, we have provided you an option of reordering your columns. You need to simply click on ‘Re - order’ and change the order of the columns. Once done re-arranging, click on ‘Back to selection’ button and hit save.

In case if you want to edit an export profile, simply select the profile and click on ‘EDIT’ and make changes to the profile name, fields and click on Save

To delete unused profiles, click on the profile - click on EDIT and select ‘Delete’

Export profiles have these features across all types of exports in the same way.
Learn How to Export Reports
How to create export profiles**
To create an Export profile, simply select the fields that you want in the report and click on the ‘Save as new’ button. Name the export profile and click save.

You can also edit the export profile by simply selecting the export profile from the drop-down - make the changes in the selection of the data points and click on update. The export profile will be updated.

Tip: Export profiles can be created for Duties exports and export from the Billing section as well.
In case, you would want to rename the export columns, you need to simply click on the column name and type the name of the column you desire.

Also, we have provided you an option of reordering your columns. You need to simply click on ‘Re - order’ and change the order of the columns. Once done re-arranging, click on ‘Back to selection’ button and hit save.

In case if you want to edit an export profile, simply select the profile and click on ‘EDIT’ and make changes to the profile name, fields and click on Save

To delete unused profiles, click on the profile - click on EDIT and select ‘Delete’

Export profiles have these features across all types of exports in the same way.
Updated on: 28/02/2024
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