Exporting data from Indecab is really simple. Data exports are possible from almost all sections in Indecab, as mentioned below:
1 - Customers
2- Suppliers
3- My Drivers
4- My Vehicles
5- Duties
6 - Billing (Sales Invoices)
7 - Receipts
8 - Payment requests
9 - Purchase Duties
10- Purchase Invoices
11 - Purchase Payments
12- Export Credit/Debit notes
13 - Petty Cash
14 - Vehicle Expenses
15 - Fuel Transactions
How to export data?
You will be able to export data from any section by simply clicking on the top right gear icon:
Open any section - click on the top right big gear icon - click on Export - enter date range - select the fields you require in your report and click on Export
What can you export from each section?
1- Customers:
2- Suppliers:
1. Export Suppliers: This will give you an export of all supplier data
2. Export Pricing: This will export pricing entered in custom pricing for suppliers
This will help you export all driver data
4- My Vehicles:
5- Duties
You can export data about duties by selecting the fields you want to include in your report.
Tip: Use the search option to filter the data you need. You can search by anything from Customer name to vehicle number and city.
6- Billing (Sales Invoices)
There are 2 types of exports possible from Billing:
1. Export Invoices: To export all invoice related data.
2. Export Invoice duties: To export duty level data that is attached to an invoice.
7 - Receipts
Through this, you will be able to export receipt data.
8 - Payment Gateway
All payment gateway entries can be exported from this section
9 - Purchase Duties
Through this, you can export all purchase duties data like purchase duty slips and duty level data.
10- Purchase Invoices
If any purchase duty has been invoiced, you will be able to export purchase invoice-level data in this report.
11- Purchase Payments:
Through this, you can export purchase payment entry data.
12- Export Credit/Debit Notes:
Through this, you can export any credit/debit note related data.
13- Petty Cash
Petty Cash is cash provided to drivers over and above their driver allowances and salary. Through this, you can export all petty cash entries.
14- Vehicle Expense
You can filter vehicle expenses by vehicle name or number. Through this, you can export vehicle expense data.
15- Fuel Transactions
You can filter your transactions using driver name, vehicle name/ number or supplier name. This will help you export fuel entries you have created.
Export History:
Go to Operations - Export History - you will see the export - click on Download
Any exports on Indecab are available to view and download for 24 hours.
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