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How to create and use customer groups

The customer master has been created on two levels. Customer Group and Customer. Multiple customers can be grouped together using the customer group feature.

Customer Groups are useful to view information of multiple customers together in the Duties or Invoices section. For example, if you have two customers named,

Apple Maharashtra
Apple Haryana

You can create a single group called 'Apple' and assign them to both customers. When you search for
'Apple' in the Duties or Invoices section, information of both Apple Maharashtra and Apple Harayana
would be displayed.

This article will show you how to create customer groups and how to use them.

Creating Customer Groups

You can create a customer group by going to Masters - Customers - Click on Manage Customer Groups - Click on Add Customer Group - Enter the name and click on Submit.

Using Customer Groups

You can filter data in the Duties and Billing section using Customer Groups. For eg, if you go to Operations - Billing and enter the customer group name in the search bar, you will see all the invoices of that group.

Customer groups can also be used to export data from the export section. When click on export, the pop up lets you search data based on the customer group name

Customer groups can be used to generate receipts. You can do this by going to Operations - Receipts. In add new receipt section, click on Add Customer Group

You can use customer groups to request payments. You can do this going to Operations - Payment Gateway. In the new payment request section, click on Add Customer Group


Updated on: 29/10/2020

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