Articles on: Billing & Receipts

How to create and manage e-invoicing

This article will take you through the steps on creating an[ E-invoice]( & managing it;
E-invoice is available as an added feature in for creating e-invoices for Sales invoices and Credit notes. This article will cover:

This article will cover:

A - How to create an E-invoice
B - How to manage E-invoices
C - How to create an E-invoice for Credit/Debit Notes
D- How to create an E-invoice for Export invoices

To activate E-Invoice feature in Indecab please send us a request email on

A - How to create an E-invoice

Option 1: Create a single E-invoice for a single invoice
Go to Operations - Billing - Click on the saved invoice - Click on the top right gear icon next to the Email button - Create E-Invoice

Option 2: Create multiple E-Invoices for multiple invoices in one go
Go to Operations - Billing - Select the Invoices - Select Create E-Invoices

Now you have created individual E-invoices for multiple customers in one go.

Note: Refer to this article to understand common errors while creating E-Invoice: Common E-Invoice Errors

B - How to manage E-invoices

1- How to export E-Invoice data:
Go to Operations - Billing - Click On The Top Right Gear Icon - Export Invoices - Filter Date - Add Relevant Details - Select E-Invoice Created At - Export/View/Get Statement

2- How to remove a booking from an E-invoice

To remove the booking from an E-invoice you need to apply a credit note against the duty, to do this Go to Operations - Credit/Debit Note - Click on ‘Add New Credit/Debit Note’ - Select ‘Credit’ - Select your Customer - Under ‘Invoices’, select the E-invoice - Select ‘Add Amount’ - Under ‘Duty Ids’ click on ‘Select Duties’ - Select the Duties- Save.

The duties attached to the E-Invoice can be found in the Duties - Completed section, duty-Id connection to the old invoice is maintained

You can edit the particular duty and add it to a new invoice, click on the Duty-Id - Click on the small gear icon - Select ‘Edit Duty’ - Save Changes - Click on the top right big gear icon - Select ‘Generate Invoice’.

The new invoice can be used to create an E-invoice.

Note :
- Once an E-Invoice has been created you cannot edit the invoice.
- An E-Invoice can be cancelled within 24hrs of creation
- An E-Invoice once cancelled cannot be used again, cancelled E-invoice would not become ‘0’ value. Apply a credit note before cancelling e-invoice.

Tip: As the connection to the old e-invoice is maintained, during export you can select the ‘Duties Removed Due To Credit Note’ column and view the duty-id that has been removed from a particular e-invoice.

C- How to create E-Invoice for Credit/Debit Notes

1- Go to Operations - Credit/Debit Note - Select the Credit/Debit Note

2- Click on the top right Gear icon - Create E-Invoice

Tip: You can export ‘E-Invoice created at’ date by clicking on the top right gear icon - select ‘Export Credit/Debit Notes’ - Select column ‘ E-Invocie created at’.

D- How to create an E-invoice for Export invoices

To create an E-invoice for an international or export customer, Go to masters - customers - click on the customers - edit - select the country under column ‘Country (Used for exports class E-invoice)’ - Save

Thank you!

Updated on: 14/06/2024

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