Articles on: Booking & Allotment

How to add a booking

How to add a booking

This article will take you through the process of adding a new booking. You can start entering bookings
once you have completed entering all the required information in the Master's section. In case you
haven’t set up your masters, click here to understand how to do the same: Understand Masters

You can also watch this video to get a an understanding about how to add a booking and how an invoice gets generated

Adding a new booking is very simple with Indecab.

Go to the duties tab and click on ‘Add Booking’.

Once the 'Add Booking’ page opens. You will see the following fields to fill

1: Create a booking for:

At the right-hand side, you can select your company/sister company name under which this booking has
to be made. This option will only appear when you have created multiple companies. In case you need to
change the company under which the booking has to be made, click on change and select your
company from the pop-up box.
To learn more about companies and their uses here: My Companies

Note: The SMS/Email, duty slip, and invoice will carry the company details of the company selected here.

2: Customer:

Select the customer you want to create the booking for. In case the booking you are entering is for new
retail or walk-in customer you can select ‘Walk In' from the drop-down menu. Otherwise, select the
corporate entity for which you would like to enter the booking.

In case you want to add this customer to your customer masters, you can click on Add New Customer
and fill in all the required details. To know more about customer masters - click: Customers

Tip: Customer name can be changed while generating an invoice if needed.

3: Booked By/Passenger Details:

Use this section to fill in the customer's personal details. Booked by is the representative of the customer who has sent you the booking. Passenger (guest) is the person who will be using your services.

You can add additional contacts to the booking as well as additional passengers. The information entered here will be used while sending booking related information like booking confirmation SMS/email.

4 - From and to city:

Next, select the ‘From’ city of the booking. If you are entering a local booking there is no need to select a 'To’ city. However, if you are entering an Outstation booking entering a ‘To’ city is mandatory. If you cannot find the city in the ‘To’ list, select ‘Outstation’ from the ‘To’ city drop down.

5: Vehicle Group and Duty Type:

Next, select the Vehicle group of the booking and the Duty type. If your booking is of a single day make
sure the start date and the end date of the booking are the same. However, if the booking is for multiple
days you can select the start and end date accordingly.

6: Reporting and Drop Address:

Here you can enter the reporting and drop address through free text.

7: Pricing:

Clicking on ‘Get price’ will pull the pricing from entered in the Masters.
Alternatively, you can manually enter pricing as well.

8: Remarks:

This section can be used to add any additional information that needs to be visible through the booking
cycle and can be sent to the driver and customer.

9: Operator notes:

This section can be used to add any additional information that is visible to the internal team only.

10: Add separate remarks for Driver/Supplier:

Select this option if you wish to add separate remarks for the driver, supplier or a DCO.

11: Labels:

Select any labels you would like to add for this booking. Learn more about Labels here.

12: Mark as unconfirmed:

This can be used when any information about booking is unknown. Duties and bookings can be marked
as ‘Confirmed’ as needed.

Once you have entered the booking details, click on ‘Book’, to add the booking.

On clicking book, you will see the ‘Send Booking Confirmation’ pop-up:

You can send an SMS/Email to the booking person and passenger with the details of the duty. You can
also send the duty details to other passengers/personnel through the custom row.

Once you have completed the booking, you will see the same in the duties tab under ‘Booked’.

How to edit a booking:

To edit a booking, go to the Duties section and click on the duty you want to edit, once the booking
opens click on the blue edit button on the top right of the screen. This will open the edit screen of the

Once you are done editing, click on ‘Book’ to save the booking.

Next: How to create an itinerary booking

Updated on: 15/09/2020

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