Articles on: Understanding Masters


This article will take you through the different uses & fields of the Customers Master.

To get started, go to Masters - Click on Customers

Customer master structure:

The customer master has been created on two levels. Customer Group and Customer. Multiple customers can be grouped together using the customer group feature.

Customer Groups are useful to view information of multiple customers together in the Duties or Invoices section. For example, if you have two customers named,

Apple Maharashtra
Apple Haryana

You can create a single group called 'Apple' and assign them to both customers. When you search for
'Apple' in the Duties or Invoices section, information of both Apple Maharashtra and Apple Harayana
would be displayed.

Each corporate you work with needs to be created as a customer.
If the corporate has multiple entities (with different GST numbers), then each entity needs to be
created as a separate customer and can be grouped together if needed.

Adding a new customer:

Tally users: Make sure your ledger name in Tally and the Customer name you in the master match perfectly for accurate import of vouchers into Tally.

For more information on this view: How to export to Tally
Click on 'Add Customer'.

1 - TDS Percentage %:

Enter the percentage (%) of TDS your Customer deducts from the Subtotal of your invoices. Percentage entered here would be used to auto-calculate TDS while entering receipts.

2 - Invoice’s default due date after - number of days:

Enter the number of days in this field beyond which the invoice would be overdue for this particular customer.

3 - Default Discount %:

If there is any discount applicable on the taxable invoice for this customer, you can simply enter the percentage of the discount in this field.

4 - Select base city fuel surcharge:

Select a city here to always calculate Fuel surcharge based on the rates of this city. Rates can be entered in the Custom pricing box.

5 - Branches:

Use this to limit visibility of the customer only to specific branches.
Branches can be created from the Branches Master
Click here to learn more about how to limit access to information to specific users.

6 - Default Company:

The company (sister company) you select would be by default associated with this customer.

7 - Default Tax Classification - Used in Invoice for Tally:

Select the tax classification for this customer through the drop down menu.

8 - Reverse Charge Applicable:

Use this to select if GST related reverse charges are applicable to this Customer.

9 - Surcharge %:

Surcharge percentage can be used to add an extra percentage amount to your invoice total. It is normally used to add card charges.

10 - Default Car Hire Charges Discount %:

A percentage (%) number entered here would be used to automatically calculate a default discount on the 'Car hire charges' for all invoices of this customer.

11 - Forced Fuel Type:

Select the fuel type you would like to use to calculate fuel surcharge always irrespective of the fuel type of the vehicle allotted to the Duty.

Booking / Duties Settings

12 - Cities - Limit ability to add bookings to these cities:

The cities selected here would be visible while adding a booking for this Customer. To enable all cities, leave this blank.

13 - Duty Types - Limit ability to add bookings to these Duty Types:

Use this to set the Duty Types that you provide to the customer. The duty types selected here would be visible while adding a booking. Leave blank for all.

14 - Vehicle Group - Limit ability to add bookings to these Vehicle Groups:

Use this to set the 'Categories - Vehicle Groups' that you provide to the customer. The groups selected here would be visible while adding a booking. Leave blank for all.

15 - Labels - Applied to Booking:

Select the default labels to be assigned to all bookings of this customer.

16 - Cities - To only consider extras that have a higher total cost on the invoice:

For some customers, you might be charging either Extra KM or Extra HR based on whichever has a higher value. Enter the city in which you would like this type of calculation to take place. For example, enter 'Kolkata'.

17 - Applicable Taxes:

All the taxes that are applicable for this customer can be added to this section

18 - Driver allowance (Early time):

If a duty starts before the time entered here 'Early start allowance' will be charged.

19 - Driver allowance (Late time):

If a duty ends after the time entered here 'Night allowance' will be automatically charged.

The rates for driver allowances can be entered while entering customer pricing. Learn how to enter custom pricing below:

20 - Files:

You can attach all the relevant file associated with this customer to this field.

21 - Notes:

Notes entered are visible while adding a booking, sending SMS & Email, creating placards & generating invoices.

22- Invoice Terms & Conditions:

Use this if you have different Terms & Conditions for a specific customer. If your Terms & Conditions are the same for all customers then enter them in the company profiles section. Click here - Company Profile

23 - Deny Booked by, passenger & additional contact info to be added to master while adding a booking:

Check this box if you would like to restrict users from adding in new Booked By, Passenger or Additional contact information to the Masters while adding a new booking. If unchecked, any information entered while adding a booking would be saved automatically.

24 - Customer Code:

It is a unique code that is associated with that particular customer which can be used to export data to any other accounting system.

25 - Active:

Check this box if you would like to add bookings from this Customer. If unchecked, this customer would no longer be visible while adding bookings.

How to assign a Default Company for a particular Customer?

To set a default company for your customer go to master - customer - edit - click on Default Company - Select the company.

Where does the default selection apply?

When you create a booking for the customer it would be booked under the selected company
When you create a bill for the customer it would be Billed under the selected company
When you create a Receipt for the customer it would be under the selected company

While creating an invoice the bank details displayed would be the one that is associated with the default company.

Note: Payment Gateway link would be created under primary company always.
Credit/Debit notes would be created under the primary company but you can choose the company you want.

Next: Suppliers

Updated on: 27/10/2022

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