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Common errors while creating e-invoice and what they mean

This article will take you through the common errors faced while creating an e-invoice.

Essentials that need to be in order to create e- invoice:
1 - Common Errors In Customer Master
2 - Your company information
3- Charge the right taxes based on state of supply
4- Avalara Configuration

To successfully create an e-invoice, it is important to make sure that the following details are correct in your Master-

1 - Common Errors in Customer Master

Make sure information in the Customer Master is correctly entered.
Go to Masters - Customer - Click on the customer - EDIT - Enter Pincode, GST Number, GST Type, Address, Select State

Note: Remove any special characters from customer’s address. Example: " - {} []\?/ etc. This would give an error message while creating e-invoice.

Scroll below - Click on Default Tax Classification- Used in Invoice for Tally - Select the Tax Classification - Save

Note: For SEZ businesses please select the appropriate Tax classification which has SEZ in it to avoid any SEZ errors.
Only the following are allowed:
'Sales to SEZ - Exempt',
'Sales to SEZ - LUT/Bond',
'Sales to SEZ - Nil Rated',
'Sales to SEZ - Taxable',

2 - Your company information
Go to Masters - My Companies - Click on EDIT for your primary company - Enter Pincode - Enter GST Number - Address - Select State- City- Save changes

3- Charge the correct taxes as per the state of supply in your invoices.

4- E- Invoice verification through App

As per government guidelines, a signed QR code would be available on all e-invoices, NIC has provided a detailed guide on how to verify through a QR code.

If you are not able to verify QR code or receive an error message for your digital signature follow these steps, please login into your Avalara GST portal through Admin login - Go to Settings - select Feature - select the Company, PAN, Company, GSTIN from the dropdown - In Manage additional settings - go to customise e-Invoice handling section - please click (?) - Add digital signature to e-Invoice, Add company logo to e-Invoice, Add company logo and digital signature to e-Invoice PDF and Generate QR code for B2C invoices - save these details - create new e-invoice.

Note: The above settings would apply to new e-invoices created after the settings have been done, old e-invoices would remain unchanged.

Thank you, for any further assistance regarding the e-invoice please email us at

Updated on: 15/06/2023

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