Petty cash is an amount of money given to your drivers or received from them. It can be used when you give your drivers money for any of the following reasons:
1 - Money to pay for toll, parking or fuel
2 - Salary advance
This section will allow you to record any and all such transactions made with your drivers. It will also allow you to instantly see many details about petty cash transactions.
To get started go to Operations - Petty cash.
Let’s get acquainted with the Petty cash section.
1: Filters Bar
When you open the Petty Cash section, you can search by driver name and supplier name. You can also filter the search to a custom date range.
2: Big gear icon:
The big gear icon gives you options to export a petty cash entry.
3: View Totals:
View totals will give you the total amount of cash that is credited or debited to drivers/suppliers.
4: Total:
Here you can see the total number of entries created
You will have to enter the following details to create a new Petty Cash entry.
1- Supplier:
If the petty cash was given to a supplier, select the supplier name from the dropdown list. You will get an option to type the supplier’s driver's name in the next row if a supplier is selected.
If the petty cash was given to a DCO, select the DCO from the dropdown. You will not get the option to enter the driver's name in the next row.
2- Driver:
If the petty cash was given to your driver, leave the supplier row empty and select your driver from the drop down menu.
3- Petty Cash Entry:
This is the entry number generated by Indecab
4- Date:
Enter the date on which petty cash was given to the driver/supplier.
5- Voucher number:
If you use physical vouchers to record petty cash transactions, you can enter the voucher number for that transaction here.
6- Amount:
Enter the amount of petty cash given to the driver/supplier in Rupees.
7- Transaction Type:
In this row, you will see two options, debit and credit.
Petty cash is usually given to the driver/supplier before the duty begins. In this case you need to select the credit option. However, in some cases, the driver/supplier returns the remaining cash after the duty is completed. If petty cash is being returned, you need to select the debit option.
8- Remarks:
If there are any notes you need to add regarding this transaction, you can add them in the remarks section.
If you want to create an entry against expenses for vehicle maintenance, repairs, etc. you should create an entry in the Vehicle Expenses section.
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