Duty supporters are additional staff allotted to a duty other than the driver.
Duty supporters can be of three types:
Multiple Duty Supporters can be allotted to a single duty. Allotment info can then be sent to the allotted duty supporters via SMS.
To add a duty supporter, go to the Masters - click on Duty Supporters
To add a new supporter click on 'Add duty supporter'.
1- Name:
Enter the employee’s name
2- Type:
You will be able to see 3 types of supporters to create the profile i.e Cleaner, Guide, Representative
3- Mobile Number:
Enter the mobile number of the employee. This will be used to send allotment information
4- PAN Card Number:
Here you can enter the employee’s PAN card details for your recordkeeping purposes.
5- Birthdate:
Employee’s Birthdate
6- Branches:
Limit visibility of the duty supporter to only be visible while allotting duties of a specific branch
7- Alternate Mobile Number:
You can enter an alternate number to contact and send information
8- Aadhar Card Number:
Employee’s Aadhar card for your recordkeeping purposes.
9- Joining Date:
If the supporter is a permanent employee you can enter their joining date for your recordkeeping purposes.
10- Address:
Enter the duty supporter’s address for your reference
11- Files
Add and store all relevant files and documents related to the duty supporter you are adding.
12- Active/Inactive
Once a duty supporter is no longer working with you, he/she can be marked as 'In-active'. Supporters that are not active will not be available for allotment to a duty.
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