
Understanding Duty Supporters and how to use it

This article will help you understand the Duty Supporters feature and how to use it in your operations.

Duty supporters are additional staff allotted to a duty other than the driver.

Duty supporters can be of three types:

  • Cleaners
  • Guides
  • Representatives

Multiple Duty Supporters can be allotted to a single duty. Allotment info can then be sent to the allotted duty supporters via SMS.

To add a duty supporter, go to the Masters - click on Duty Supporters

To add a new supporter click on 'Add duty supporter'.

1- Name:

Enter the employee’s name

2- Type:

You will be able to see 3 types of supporters to create the profile i.e Cleaner, Guide, Representative

3- Mobile Number:

Enter the mobile number of the employee. This will be used to send allotment information

4- PAN Card Number:

Here you can enter the employee’s PAN card details for your recordkeeping purposes.

5- Birthdate:

Employee’s Birthdate

6- Branches:

Limit visibility of the duty supporter to only be visible while allotting duties of a specific branch

7- Alternate Mobile Number:

You can enter an alternate number to contact and send information

8- Aadhar Card Number:

Employee’s Aadhar card for your recordkeeping purposes.

9- Joining Date:

If the supporter is a permanent employee you can enter their joining date for your recordkeeping purposes.

10- Address:

Enter the duty supporter’s address for your reference

11- Files

Add and store all relevant files and documents related to the duty supporter you are adding.

12- Active/Inactive

Once a duty supporter is no longer working with you, he/she can be marked as 'In-active'. Supporters that are not active will not be available for allotment to a duty.

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