To send a payment request under your sister company you will first need to create your sister company as well as bank account profiles. Click on the links below to learn more.
Learn how to create bank profiles here
Learn how to create a company here.
Click on New payment request - Next to Requesting payment for click on Change and select the sister company- now select Customer - click on an Invoice - Click on Add Amount
Once you have clicked on Add Amount - click on ME in the top right corner- select Payment Gateway Settings - select the sister company name you want to generate this request under - select the bank details under which you will receive payment - click on Save settings - now click on Save and send the payment request
Tip: To generate a payment request under a sister company, you should always go to payment gateway settings, select the sister company name and bank details, then save the request. If this is not done, the payment gateway request will be sent under your primary company with default bank details.
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