Go to Operations - Billing - click on the top right gear icon - click on Export Invoices
Export invoices will display all invoice-level columns
To export all invoices click on the large gear icon and select Export Invoices - Select the date range you would like to use while exporting - Select the payment status of invoices in the export - click on the checkboxes you would like as columns in the report - click on View/Download Statement/Export
Note: Enter filters before clicking on Export Invoices to export based on those filters.
You don't need to select the checkboxes every time while exporting. Create export profiles instead. Learn how here.
Export Invoice Duties lets you export duty-level data that has been billed.
This can be exported for all customers or for a specific customer.
To export all invoice duties click on the large gear icon and click on Export Invoice Duties. To export invoice duties for a specific customer, type the customer’s name in the filters before selecting Export Invoice Duties to get the export invoice duties pop-up. From the Export Duties pop-up, you can select a date range and the different columns you want to export the data for.
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