
How to display taxes on an invoice without charging for them

Learn how to display the tax amount on invoices but not consider them in the invoice total.

You can display taxes on an invoice without charging for them. Such a scenario is useful for customers who fall under RCM or in case of contracts with specific customers where tax should not be added to the total on the invoice.

This feature is available in the Customer Masters section and can be set for each individual customer as required.

To get started, go to Masters - Customers - Click on a customer listing - Edit - Scroll to the section called Applicable taxes - Tick the check box next to Not to be charged

When an invoice is created, the taxes will be calculated and visible in the bottom left side of the invoice description.

If you want to notify your customer about this invoice coming under a specific tax classification, please enter the details in Masters - click on a customer listing - Edit - add the details in the Terms & Conditions section

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