You can simplify company selection by automatically assigning bookings based on the city selected while creating a booking.
How to set up
If you have multiple sister companies in different states, you can select the state of operations for each company. Based on this setting, when a city is selected while creating a booking, the company will be assigned automatically.
Go to Masters - My Companies - Click on EDIT to change company info - Select the state under State Of Operations - Save Changes
Then go to Me - Business Settings - Under Booking/Duties settings - Tick the check box next to Auto select company based on selected from city while adding the booking - Save changes
Once the above settings are completed, when creating a new booking, based on the city selected under From (Service location) the company which the booking should be created under will be automatically assigned.
Go to Duties - Add Booking - Enter the details and select city in From (Service Location) - The right company will be automatically assigned.
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