Credit and debit notes provide an efficient way to manage outstanding balances with customers and suppliers. You can easily document any credit/debit amounts in a credit/debit note and apply these notes to your customer or purchase invoices.
Go to Operations - Credit/Debit Notes - Select whether you are creating a credit/debit note - select customer/supplier name - below you will see a list of invoices - select the invoice you want to apply the credit/debit note to - click on Add Amount
If you want to change the amount for the credit note under the invoices box, make the changes in the Amount column.
Note: If a credit note has been applied to an invoice, the changes to the amount should be made only in the Amount column in the Invoices section or the amount may be shown as negative
Create a credit/debit note without selecting any invoice - enter the amount in Total Amount - Save
Now that a credit/debit note is saved, it can be applied to your invoice or purchase invoice
Go to Operations - Billing - click on an invoice - click on Apply Credit/Debit note- here you will see the credit/debit note column - under Amount enter the amount you wish to apply from the available credit note - click on Apply - the amount in the invoice total will be deducted
Note: You can always open an invoice and click on Credit/Debit Notes to check which credit/debit notes have been applied to the invoice
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