
Exporting invoices

To export invoice-related data for tracking and reporting on billing activities.

Action Steps:

  1. Navigate to Billing: Go to "Operations" and then "Billing."
  2. Access Export Options: Click on the gear icon next to "Add Invoice."
  3. Select Export: Choose "Export Invoices."
  4. Specify Filters: Select whether to export paid, unpaid, or both types of invoices, and specify the date range.
  5. Choose Columns: Choose the columns for the export and save these settings for future use.
  6. Export Data:
  7. View Data: Click on ‘View’ to see the data in a browser window.
  8. PDF Export: Click on "Get Statement" to download the report as a PDF.
  9. Excel Export: Click on "Export" to download the data as an Excel file.

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