Articles on: What's new

Updates from August 2021 to November 2021

Take a look at what’s new on Indecab below!

1 - Indecab Go Driver App updates

Ability to add billing items during a duty - Drivers can now update car inspection images, mask verification images, and any other supporting images that may be requested by your customer as a duty covid checklist as soon as the duty is started. As well as toll and parking details that might be incurred during a duty.

To set it up, go to Masters billing items - add new - enter in the name (eg: Mask image) tick the ‘Allow driver to add’ and ‘Required before starting duty - Only applicable for the driver (Indecab Go App)’ checkboxes and click save.

Mandatory billing items - We added the ability to mark a billing item as mandatory, where the driver would not be able to start or end a trip without adding this billing item.

To update the details from the driver app, the driver will get the option to add billing items once he starts the duty/clicks the enroute button. The driver can select the billing item from the list, click or upload a photo and then click submit.

2 - Automate SMS/email alerts

Go to 'Me' menu (top right) - Business settings - Others - scroll down and set up automated SMS/email sending by ticking the required checkboxes in the Automatically send SMS/email alerts section.

This will completely automate sending of SMS and Email from Indecab.

3 - OTP to start the trip

We have added the ability to start a duty with an OTP. To activate this feature go to Me - Business settings - scroll to the bottom - tick the ‘Enable start duty OTP verification’ tick box.

4 - Vehicle expenses update

We have updated the vehicle expenses section to give you the ability to upload multiple files/images while creating a single-vehicle expense entry. To add a new expense - go to operations - vehicle expense - new expense. To add multiple files, click on the ‘Add new receipt button’ and add the necessary documents.

5 - Manage Company Supplier Vehicles and Drivers

We have added the ability to save and manage your supplier's vehicle and driver details from the Supplier Master. Details will get automatically saved to the Master while allotting a booking and you can just select the same the next time you are allotting.

To manage go to Masters - Suppliers - select the supplier - click on the manage vehicle/driver button.

6 - Bank Accounts updates

We have updated the bank accounts section to now automatically detect the bank name/branch name based on IFSC code. Additionally to reduce errors the bank account section will validate if the UPI & IFSC code are in the correct format.

7 - Credit/Debit notes upgrades

Create an e-invoice for credit/debit notes:

We have added the ability to create e-invoices for the credit and debit entries made in Indecab. To create an e-invoice for credit/debit notes, you first have to create the note in Indecab. Once done, open the credit/debit note. Once open use the large gear icon to create an e-invoice of the same.

Note: To active e-invoicing features write to

Export credit/debit notes to Tally

We have added the functionality to export credit/debit note data in the format to be imported into Tally. To export the data - go to me - export to tally - click on the export credit/debit note button.

8 - Option to display Speedo KM while printing the duty slip

While printing a duty slip of a duty completed via the mobile app, you have the option to add the speedo km row to the printout. To add the speed-o-meter details to the printout, make sure you click the Show speed-o-meter km row while printing/emailing the duty slip.

9 - Ability to mark DCO supplier as vaccinated

If your DCO supplier has been vaccinated, you have the ability to update the same in the vehicle allotment email that is sent to the customer. To update the DCO suppliers vaccination details, to masters - suppliers - select the supplier - click edit - scroll and tick the ‘is covid vaccinated’ tick box

10 - Duties export column update

We have updated the duties export section with the following new export columns:

Supplier total KM
Supplier total HR

Updated on: 05/02/2025

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