Articles on: Understanding Masters

Understanding copy pricing functionality in depth

This article will help you understand ‘Copy Pricing’ functionality and the multiple ways you can copy pricing:

Copy pricing enables you to simply copy pricing information, we understand that 2 cities could have the same pricing, 2 customers/supplier could have the same pricing and creating manual entry for each would be a lengthy process. To start this first we understand how to enter custom pricing for customer & supplier

1- Ability to copy pricing from one customer to all customers in the same group-

Customer groups copy pricing would enable you to copy pricing entered for one customer to all customers in the same group. To put customers in a group, click on the customer name - click on edit - select the group from ‘customer group’ drop down - save

To copy pricing from one customer to other customers in the group first enter pricing for any one customer - under ‘Copy Pricing’ click on ‘copy pricing to group customers’ - click on ‘proceed’ - you have now copied pricing to all customers under the same group.

Note: By doing this action you have copied data from source customer for the current contract data only, if you change contract dates for any customer in the group the copied price would not reflect.

2- Ability to copy pricing from one city to another-

If you have two cities with the same pricing, go to masters - customer - click on the customer - select city you want to copy pricing to - select ‘copy pricing from another city’

3- Copy pricing from one customer to another customer -
If you have the same contract and pricing for two customers, you can copy the price from Customer A to Customer B.

Note: This is an irreversible action, once you copy pricing from another customer it would copy contract dates too.

4- Copy pricing from the car rental company to corporate accounts-
We removed the need to manually enter pricing in your corporate customer account, ‘copy pricing to corporate account’ allows you to do just that. Go to masters - customer - click on the corporate account - in the custom pricing box top right corner click on ‘copy pricing to corporate account’ - click on ‘copy pricing’

Note: Copy pricing to the corporate account would edit any existing pricing data entered in your corporate account as well as change the contract dates. You can copy pricing only for a corporate account sponsored by you.

Copied data would be visible in your corporate account: go to masters - supplier - click on the car rental company

Thank you!

Updated on: 06/12/2022

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