Articles on: Improve my business

Reduce time typing emails

We understand that multiple emails need to be sent out to your customers, passengers and vendors while managing bookings. Here is some information on all the different types of emails you can send using Indecab with a single click!

Booking Confirmation
Allotment Details
Customer Invoices
Payment Receipts
Payment Request Link
Supplier Invoices
Supplier Payments

Need to reply to customers on the same email thread?

We’ve added a simple button you can use to copy information from Indecab and paste right into your email. Simply click on ‘Copy Email’ in the pop- up. This will copy the email to your clipboard which you can simply paste it and send it to your customers.

And paste it into the email you are sending

This feature is also available while sending allotment details to your passengers/ customers.

Sending emails, just got a lot faster!

Updated on: 11/09/2020

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