Articles on: Understanding Operations

Petty Cash

In this module, we will take you through the Petty Cash section.

What is Petty cash?

Petty cash is an amount of money given to your drivers or received from them. It can be used in the event where you give your driver's cash for any of the following reasons,

Cash to pay for toll, parking or fuel
Salary advance

Manage cash better

This section will allow you to record any and all cash transactions made with your drivers. It will also allow you to instantly see how much cash is in play and which driver has how much cash as well.

To get started go to Operations - Petty cash.

Let’s get acquainted with the Petty cash section.

1 - Filters Bar

When you open the Petty Cash tab, you can filter by the driver name and supplier name. You can also
filter the details by a custom date range.

2 - New Cash Transaction

You can add/update any petty cash that you might have given to a driver/supplier by clicking on
‘New Cash Transaction’ and filling out the details.

3 - View Totals

View totals will give you the total amount of cash that is credited or debited to drivers/suppliers.

4 - Small gear icon

The small gear icon lets you delete a petty cash entry.

Adding a new Petty Cash Transaction

To add a new petty cash transaction click on the ‘Add Cash Transaction’ button.

Once you are at the New Petty Cash section, you will have to enter the following details to create an

Enter the date that the petty cash was given to the driver/supplier.

Voucher number:
If you create physical vouchers when petty cash is given, you can enter the voucher number for that
transaction here.

If the petty cash was given to a supplier, select the supplier name from the drop down. You will get an
option to type the supplier’s drivers name in the next row if the supplier is selected.
If the petty cash was given to a DCO, select the DCO from the drop down, you will not get the option to
enter the driver's name in the next row.

If the petty cash was given to your driver, leave the supplier row empty and select your driver from the
drop-down menu.

In this row, enter in the amount of petty cash given to the driver/supplier in rupees.

Transaction Type:
In this row, you will see two options, debit and credit.
Petty cash is usually given to the driver/supplier before the duty begins. In this case you need to select
the credit option., However, in some cases, the driver/supplier returns the extra/remaining cash back
after the duty is completed. If the petty cash was returned back, you need to select the debit option.

If there are any notes you need to add regarding this transaction, you can add them in the remarks

If you need to create an entry against expenses on vehicle maintenance, repairs, etc. you can create an
entry in the Vehicle Expenses section.

Next: Vehicle Expenses

Updated on: 17/09/2020

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