Articles on: Understanding Operations

Payment Gateway

This article will take you through the Payment Gateway section.

Indecab has an integrated ready to use payment gateway through which you can start sending online
payment requests to your customers. Payment requests would be sent as emails containing a payment
link. Customer clicking on that link would be directed to a payment gateway page where they can enter
their card details and complete the transaction. After a customer completes the transaction the funds
would get credited to your bank account.

To set up the payment gateway click on ‘Me’ in the top right of your screen - go to Payment gateway
settings and set the bank account in which you would like to receive payments.
If you have not completed the payment gateway settings needed to start sending payment requests, take a look at the video below.

This video will give explain how to activate your payment gateway

You can request an online payment against a single invoice or multiple invoices created. Invoices can be
attached with the payment request sent.

Note: The number of invoice attachments are limited by the size of email accepted by your customers inbox.

To send a payment request go to Operations - Payment Gateway

Creating A New Payment Request

To create a new payment request, go to Operations- Payment Gateway - click on the new payment request button. Select the customer and you will see a list of invoices for that customer. Select the invoices, click add amount, check the amount and hit save.

Tip: You can even send a payment request without selecting any invoices. This is useful when you would like to collect advance payments via the gateway.
Go to Operations > Payment Gateway > New Payment Request > Select Customer > Request Amount > Save

Note: TDS would be automatically calculated against invoices selected based on the TDS percentage
entered in the Customer master of that specific customer.

You will get a pop-up with the Customer details and a Custom column to enter an email ID and Mobile number, select the relevant details and click send. You can choose to attach the invoice, duty summary and/or duty slip in the email.

The message shared with the customer would look like this

When you send a payment request, you will be able to track the payment as it goes through its different

Requested: The status of the payment request is displayed as Requested when the payment request
is sent to the customer.

Processing: Once the customer completes the payment, the payment request status will change to

Processed: The payment request status will be displayed as processed once the funds have been
processed by the bank. At this stage you could expect the funds to be credited to your bank account at any moment.

Note: Please be advised that, for domestic card transactions, the payment will be reflected in your bank account 3 days after the Payment Gateway verifies the transaction.

For international card payments, the reflection period in your bank account will be eight days following the Payment Gateway's verification of the transaction.

Confirmed: You can manually confirm payment requests for which you have received funds in your bank
account by marking them as ‘Confirmed’. To do so click on the payment request and click on ‘Confirm’ at
the top right.

Take a look below to get a detailed understanding of the Payment Gateway section.

1 - Filters

You can filter by the customer name, customer group and receipt number. You can also filter the details
by a custom date range.

2 - New Payment Request

You can create a new payment request by clicking the ‘New Payment Request’ button and filling out the
details. You can only create payment requests for bookings that you have raised invoices for,

3 - Status

The status column tells you what stage the payment is currently in.

4 - Large Gear Icon

You can use the large gear icon to learn more about the payment gateway, the transaction charges and
the meaning of payment request statuses.

Exporting Payment Gateway

To export data from the payment gateway section go to Operations - Payment Gateway - Use the large
gear icon and click on Export. The export option will let you export the following columns:

1 - Request number
2 - Request Date
3 - Invoice Number(s)
4 - Customer
5 - Customer Group
6 - Status
7 - Amount
8 - Received Amount
9 - Payment Gateway Charges
10 - Last Activity Date
11 - Passengers

Next: Purchase Duties

Updated on: 28/02/2024

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