Articles on: Tutorials

Omnisearch - Everything you need to know

Omnisearch - Everything you need to know

Got questions about Omnisearch? This article aims to solve almost all of them! Read on to know what Omnisearch is, how it works, and what you can do with it.

What is it?

Omnisearch is a feature that allows you to search for anything on Indecab and jump directly to it. Whether it’s another feature, a page, a booking, an invoice, or more.

How it works:

It’s pretty simple.

Step 1
You will see a text search field on the homepage of Indecab and a search option on the top right corner of every page in the web app no matter where you are. Click on it to open the search bar.

Or a quick keyboard shortcut to use the feature is CTRL+G (Command+G in case of Mac).

Step 2
Once the search bar is open, you can type anything that you want to find on Indecab.

There are multiple ways to search for things.

Method 1
One basic method is to type the name of the page you want to go to. For eg. if you are looking for Billing Items, you can type ‘Billing Items’ or just ‘bi’ and a drop-down with all the suggested pages will be shown.

Method 2
Another method is when you are trying to look for a specific item like an invoice, purchase invoice or receipt. Type in the last 6 digits of the invoice number in the search field, and a drop-down option of that particular invoice will be shown on screen.

And that’s it! Save a ton of time by quickly navigating between pages, invoices and more!

Updated on: 16/09/2020

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